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  1. S

    ISBoxer Question

    I apologize in advance if this is not the correct forum, I am hoping it is since ISBoxer is a product that comes attached to Innerspace. Well Good Evening Everyone, I am quite literally a true newbie at setting this up. I thought that if I chose Variable Keystroke > Target Slot (character I...
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    What Server is Everyone On

    Put me in for Prexus as well. :)
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    Working on a Light Novel

    Awesome news to hear! Personally I think I would enjoy doing both more than just trying to go the old fashioned route... It will be more exciting and enjoyable even if it doesn't get anywhere outside of a small niche group. :) Thanks for the advice dulak.
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    Working on a Light Novel

    Hey Kodilynn thanks for the realistic and detailed response... Being close to 24 and working in the business world I sort of figured that there would be many trials to overcome if I did take this seriously and see it all the way through... I have been writing down storyline ideas for years and...
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    Working on a Light Novel

    Hey guys, I have been working with one of my old ideas for a story that is aimed towards readers in the young teens to young twenties group (basically the type of people who are big on, anime and manga)... I have just finished the rough draft of the first section and I have the whole series...
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    The Nagafen Monster Mission Macro - BE CAREFUL RUNNING

    Hmmm... Either he is putting it out there that your pushing your luck with running a macro again after he almost caught you last time.. OR.. He has a good sense of humor and thinks that you just can't handle the mission... Since this is an instance based event, for the same GM to visit twice...
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    The Nagafen Monster Mission Macro - BE CAREFUL RUNNING

    This is good to know... Currently on the new server I am on with some friends we have been power leveling / leveling up our characters through normal means... This would still rock for getting some AA.
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    Congrats Fry!! Wish you the best of luck, she couldn't have asked for a better father...
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    The Nagafen Monster Mission Macro - BE CAREFUL RUNNING

    Hey Fry long time no see.... I'm a bit interested in the idea of this macro being fixed up... I have just seriously returned back to EQ1 after a 2 year hiatus... and since there is conflict between my EQ2 friends and I as to what server we will play on, it seems that I may need to start...
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    Present Ideas For Graf

    Hmm, along with the gift, maybe a card with some possitive things on it. Put me in for atleast 5 for now, cause I usually never go that low between pay checks lol.
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    The Nagafen Monster Mission Macro - BE CAREFUL RUNNING

    Please reference the Suspensions and banning section of the forums. There have been a few who posted on there for being banned for running this macro. Lydrea is running around using /say to verify that players are AFK. Even if they aren't I don't believe she is giving them much of a chance to...
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    Lavastorm AFK 2.3 - BE CAREFUL RUNNING

    From the recent banning that has taken place. It seems to be at the very least that warp has been used in all these instances. Anyone else still running this macro 24/7 without any problems?
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    Firiona Vie

    One of the more simple reasons would be due to the fact that the items that would normally be no drop on every other server. Would allow you to level up faster with less down time ect. It would be unfair for that person to go to another server where the players did not have this luxury and spent...
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    Buy Low, Sell High

    This sounds like something I may give a try.
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    If you want my honest opinion, don't say you have completed this, but that you have been working on it. When you ding 69, then the next day you can tell your new guild that you have completed this. As long as you just put in the app all that you could have completed with the gathering of the...
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    What Should I Do About Account Sharing?

    This in my opinion is a touchy subject. I remember a time where I recognized all the names posting on these forums. I voted for the removal of the subscription. Though I feel this is extremely harsh, the reality is the fact that Fry on numerous occasions has tried to kindly notify and make us...
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    500k hp character?

    Yea, no doubt there is something unjustifiable there.
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    hi gang

    Keep safe Army. The world doesn't need to lose one of its greatest EQ contributers.
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    Stupid people

    Can I get a Amen?
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    Lavastorm AFK 2.3 - BE CAREFUL RUNNING

    I plan to re-active my 5 accounts sometime in the near future and try the current version of this macro out. Just changed jobs to a different company, so waiting on my first pay. Still developement on the macro looks as productive as ever! Keep up the good work, one day I will be able to assist. :)