Search results

  1. R

    BZSRCH Question.....

    Before I formatted I had a hotkey that would use /bzsrch. If i had my /trader window open I could click on an item and then hit the hotkey and it would search for that item in the bazaar search window. Saves a lot of time by not having to type the names of the items into the bazaar search...
  2. R

    Little help please?

    Could anyone help me? Ive been editing a macro and Im stuck on a part. I want this bit of code to only execute once it detects xp is gained (mob dead). Any help would be apreciated. sub lootAll /advloot lootall 100 /delay 3 :loot /delay 1 /if (${AdvLoot.Active}) /goto :loot /return Ive already...