Recent content by SilverDog

  1. S

    Shaman: Diagnosing MQ2Cast Memorize Issue

    Trying to track down: MQ2Cast: [Memorize]: Aborting! MQ2Cast: [Casting]: Aborting! (MemoE) I haven't found any threads on help here. Shaman, happens occasionally, often when rebuffing. I have turned everything off: UseXxxx=0. RootIfXx=0. I think I have verified I have all the Skills...
  2. S

    Macro Bot.mac Updates and Bug Fixes by [40oz]

    So for changes you prefer the entire bot40.mac, with changes, posted here? Is there any better way? I have some small ones like null check fixes in Sub MercLoad and addition of IF MERC EVEN EXISTS - to Sub Merc: /if (${MercName.Equal[NULL]}) /return Plus a fix to the SummonItem routine.