Recent content by monkeybiz

  1. M


    Unity is only a spell cast name... just change the buff icon name to darkpaw focusing etc or just have it not set to refresh after casting. Changing it to darkpaw kinda bugged me but it may work with this macro.
  2. M

    Lavastorm MM and Merc

    yea there is no fix for this atm. Personally I think they should just have it come directly come out of your bank for payin the merc. The best is having enough pp on you for getting a summon in lobby then when u do it , ur cash goes too low <3
  3. M

    Group of 4 85 looking for hunting ground

    Well for the guy that posted about what to do. If you have your basic aa's done on cleric(crits etc for heals) Keep him outside the group for awhile especially if your using any macro for healing. That alone will buy you 20% ish more xp. If the shammy is fair on aa.. get him out of the group...
  4. M

    Beast Lord AE Weapon Proc

    I just read through the quest and it says no longer dropped?
  5. M


    Scammed my ass giving me half the plat then sending me a email saying the transaction was completed. then they send me some automated bullshit like how sony does with saying "is under investigation" please wait 24 hours up your ass.
  6. M

    Afk Battle Macro Question

    couple threads down should have your answer in that simple autoassist macro
  7. M

    AFCleric Macro

    Plus if they don't even know what cleric spells are enough to put in each ini spell line then he shouldn't even deserve to marco on the toon lol
  8. M

    Playing EQ remotely (VNC or something else)

    I tried this awhile ago to try to get a toon loaded up for a friend while he was at work doing the remote desktop. If you manage to just get connected remote desktop just long enough without freezing you could get whatever /mac xxxx running then disconnect from the comp. Just make sure you...
  9. M

    New EULA part added?

    Probably people wanting refunds on spending 100's on shitty LON cards..
  10. M

    Seeds of Destruction ~ Progression

    bump for the same question too...
  11. M

    Bloody Kithicor -

    i was curious of what emote = each direction exactly. the emotes seem pretty well bland
  12. M


    since i tried it again with no boxed toons on, works like a charm. thanks for all the help.
  13. M


    you need to have in your macros folder, think you can get it from the MQ2 forums.
  14. M


    okie, i will try it with only one toon up and running. Usually have 4 up so thats probably the problem. Thanks guys.
  15. M

    Mercs For Language Skill

    language skill ups only i thought work only if sender is 1 skill equal or higher than yours.