Recent content by makoxv

  1. makoxv

    Anyone want to team up to work on a macro with me?

    I've been using the enchanter version since I have a Paladin tank. I use a cleric merc and a druid and I still get owned lol. As far as the lifetime argument, that's a whole different topic I suppose. I make zero money on this game and i'm pretty much week to week anyways with $14 a month lol.
  2. makoxv

    Anyone want to team up to work on a macro with me?

    Well, maybe we need an MMOBUGS version only for mmobugs users ;) $400 is a lot of money for lifetime. There is one on redguides but it seems glitchy and if you don't have a super tank it wipes a lot.
  3. makoxv

    Trouble getting shaman ini working In game

    Hey rob. You are talking about using /bot on for your automation. You are also talking about what sounds like a fully customizable ini. That is giving us conflicting ideas. Are you using the plugin mq2bot or are you using the macro bot.mac ?? The mq2bot wiki is here - MQ2Bot - MMOBugs Wiki...
  4. makoxv

    What is MQ2 GOOD FOR?

    Firefox - New private window ^^ But yeah, MQ2 has been around forever and well before mq2bot or bot.mac Without mq2, most of us wouldn't play EQ I'm sure.
  5. makoxv

    MQ2Bot (Old Version - Archived)

    What is your assist range set at wolf?
  6. makoxv

    MQ2Bot (Old Version - Archived)

    Are they loaded on your bar when you start the bot? Also on your first question, is your tash/cripple loaded on your bar before slow? I think it goes in the order of your spells loaded.
  7. makoxv

    Time To Fix MQ2Navigation Thread

    Will some zones innately have a different file size maximum? I made one for ethernere west karana earlier, it was 17mb and works pretty well, but regardless of the size I make for plane of shadow, 1.5mb or 5.5mb, its still saying no start reference. (The one you can download from here doesn't...
  8. makoxv

    MQ2Bot (Old Version - Archived)

    My shaman crashes pretty much 1-2 mobs in consistently. So i'm in the same boat as the other guy. It's not on mob death, it's while fighting. *EDIT* I deleted my INI and let it make me a new one and it seems to be working so far. Not sure what changed. *EDIT2* crashed again. *EDIT3* Might...
  9. makoxv

    MQ2Bot (Old Version - Archived)

    I leveled 3 chars by letting mobs walk by me and aggro and the mercs take care of it. I had a tank merc though, assigned to tank.
  10. makoxv

    MQ2Bot (Old Version - Archived)

    Hey pete, Any chance of getting Argent Frost(Druid) to cast? It's both a debuff and a HToT. Grasp of Ro casts fine, but not Argent Frost. I also notice that Promised Replenishment recasts immediately as soon as it's available(15 seconds), but it doesn't heal for 18 seconds, so it just...
  11. makoxv

    MQ2Bot (Old Version - Archived)

    I'm not the one who mentioned it, but as far as snaring, i've noticed that if my druid snares a mob, and another mob comes in camp, occasionally he'll get stuck targetting the initial mob's corpse for awhile.
  12. makoxv

    MQ2Bot (Old Version - Archived)

    Hey! I'll join the CTD club. That was a fun 3 toon crash lol.
  13. makoxv

    Can't connect to the server?

    *Edited because I didn't read the very first line of OP post lolz...*
  14. makoxv

    MQ2Bot (Old Version - Archived)

    When I got home today the druid doesn't crash any more when snaring.
  15. makoxv

    MQ2Bot (Old Version - Archived)

    I run a beast and I am trying to run a druid on mqbot, the beast runs amazing, but the druid crashes when the mobs in camp get low. I think its snaring. When I get home from work in a couple hours i'll try the bot with snare off and see if still crashes.