Recent content by kirbanmanaburn

  1. K

    Buying WTB level 70-75 content raid clears on any live server

    If you have a box crew on a live server that you can use to do some DPoB, PoR, TSS (FC/AG) or TBS (i.e. Solteris) clears, send me a PM. I'm making a level 75 twink I can come back to and play for fun just as a kind of EQ minigame when I don't have time for current content.
  2. K

    Controversial Discussion - Guns

    I posted this: And Fauxshizle said this: Explain to me how I started this, or made it personal. Also note I've engaged in no name-calling, while Fauxshizle and Orion have called me a pussy, coward, brain-dead, etc. This happens every time I post my view points because this board is...
  3. K

    Controversial Discussion - Guns

    Yeah, because my saying what the average gun buyer at my friend's business tends to look like is exactly the same as Fauxshizle saying that Nigeria is full of juju-practicing witch doctors. That makes a lot of sense. Both of you have a lot to learn about how to deal with people whose beliefs...
  4. K

    Controversial Discussion - Guns

    Blatant, disgusting stereotypical racism. IMHO, this post should be moderated or deleted.
  5. K

    Controversial Discussion - Guns

    Wait, those people in that picture are supposed to make me COMFORTABLE with allowing gun owners to rise up in a violent overthrow? Also, people who say the Civil War was about states' rights are the same people who put confederate flag bumper stickers on their cars.
  6. K

    Controversial Discussion - Guns

    White, male, mid-40s, heavily overweight, highly belligerent personality, slightly paranoid, politically libertarian, has lived in one place most of his life, doesn't particularly like women or minorities, owns at least 9 or 10 guns (if not dozens), works in a white collar job, etc. Essentially...
  7. K

    Controversial Discussion - Guns

    I think making the leap from your average gun owner (let alone the average person who wants to buy an assault rifle) all the way to Revolutionary or Civil war militias requires an incredibly imaginative gesture. One of my best friends is the CFO of a major arms dealer in Arkansas. His average...
  8. K

    Controversial Discussion - Guns

    But seriously: I'm with JJ on the re-rail. You all can take any final potshots you want, but if you want to continue to prod the resident liberal like a lab specimen, just send me a Skype IM. I'm glad to keep debating my incomprehensible belief system, but let's get this back on track: Assault...
  9. K

    Controversial Discussion - Guns

    For me (and a lot of people) the DC flag is a symbol of the city's vibrant anti-establishment culture, which was at its height in the Reagan years. And I do love DC. I also hate it, of course, but I'm not the first person to have a love/hate relationship with my hometown. Also, keep in mind...
  10. K

    Controversial Discussion - Guns

    If you replaced 'America' and 'our country' with 'earth' and 'our world,' I'd agree with almost everything you said. I simply don't care about nation. I care about people. And I think that caring about nation first is what leads to things like the Rwandan genocide. America should have intervened...
  11. K

    Controversial Discussion - Guns

    I hate New York City. My discomfort with that place is probably on display when I'm there. In Abuja or Enugu, I'm fine. Same goes for Riobamba. You don't have to understand it; I'm guessing your experience in developing countries is pretty slim. Orion's, on the other hand, while more extensive...
  12. K

    Controversial Discussion - Guns

    Well, as for Ecuador and Nigeria -- I spend a lot of time in those countries. (Family in Ecuador and work takes me to Nigeria). I'm not sure what exactly you're getting at there, but I've never had any hassle from my 'brothers' in either country. I speak their languages (and in Nigeria, they...
  13. K

    Controversial Discussion - Guns

    Actually, what Chuck Woolery does is present a completely unsupported claim for which he cites zero credible sources (and I can assure you -- there are none). He does this while playing -- no shit -- clips from a MOVIE, not a historical film recording. And really, nobody should even have to...
  14. K

    I been warping

    You would say that. That's my whole problem with you. Na na na na na na.