Recent content by fantaman

  1. F

    Looking for that lag reduction guide if this is it.
  2. F

    Raiding Guilds

    Novus Vita - they are pretty dead too. =)
  3. F

    New AAs Coming in CoTF?

    you didn't get your Identify AA with CoTF =P? i dun think theirs anymore coming.
  4. F

    Best Place to make Plat ?

    go around and pickup groundspawns. people are lazy and will pay w/e price. =)
  5. F

    DPS Clickies and Focus for Wizards ???

    Butterfly nimbus +40 magic dmg Path of the Fire Nimbus +40 fire dmg Icesprite Familiar +40 ice dmg
  6. F

    Max AA... what to do?

    the rogues a guide/gm w/e so i imagine they do.
  7. F

    Max AA... what to do?

    theirs a rogue in RoI w/ like 75k
  8. F

    Solteris Event 5 - Irrissa the Seer

    just let the main irrissia go in and out of her warp phase so she does em all. and kill her eventually. =X
  9. F

    Beam kiting
  10. F

    Beam kiting

    check it out on youtube. but mages.
  11. F

    What epics are worth the time

    all of em, the ornamentations you get @ the end are the best =)
  12. F

    lvl 1-71 help

    Go get holgresh sticks/Oil of Fennin ro. every class has AE =)
  13. F

    Best way to gear up in COTF?

    nameds pop in heroics, id do them (like SoD) =)