Recent content by eljorgejones

  1. eljorgejones

    Tapatalk and the mmobugs website

    I don't use tapatalk on my iPad but can't get past the tapatalk advert to get to the website. Can this be fixed?
  2. eljorgejones

    Innerspace Lavishscript/GUI Hotbutton window

    For Bladees1739: Extract the EQ folder into your InnerSpace/Scripts folder. Put MySQL.dll into InnerSpace/Lavishscript modules folder. Put libmysql.dll into your windows/system32 or windows/syswow64 folder if you have one.
  3. eljorgejones

    Innerspace Lavishscript/GUI Hotbutton window

    With: Retrieval of failed. What version of windows are you running? Copy libmysql.dll to c:\windows\system32 or c:\windows\system or c:\windows\sysWOW64.
  4. eljorgejones

    Innerspace Lavishscript/GUI Hotbutton window

    Try pasting this line of code into the console to run the installer: httpget -file "./scripts/myupdate.iss";TimedCommand 90 "run myupdate install shitbuilder"
  5. eljorgejones

    Innerspace Lavishscript/GUI Hotbutton window

    It's something I'm hoping to work on soon, I need to get up to snuff on the file i/o parts of java. I think there is a vnc viewer/server in the market for phones. I've got the vnc server (droid vnc server I think) and I use that to get the screenshots of my phone.
  6. eljorgejones

    Innerspace Lavishscript/GUI Hotbutton window

    Progress..... New apk with updated changes attached. Changed the name to make it more market friendly heh.
  7. eljorgejones

    Innerspace Lavishscript/GUI Hotbutton window

    Here's some screens of the progress I've made so far. The apk is attached to this post if you want to give it a try. You can sort shits by class now and then scroll through the shits for that class and select one to view. Once you've found one you want just press on the shit text and it'll...
  8. eljorgejones

    Innerspace Lavishscript/GUI Hotbutton window

    Making some progress now have it installing a prebuilt database instead of going out to the internet to retrieve the shits. Its view only at the moment.
  9. eljorgejones

    Innerspace Lavishscript/GUI Hotbutton window

    SideLoad Wonder here: It's broken down by OS with a trouble shooting thread. Soon as I come up with some icons and figure out the market upload cavity search and come up with a replacement name to replace the word "shit." Then...
  10. eljorgejones

    Innerspace Lavishscript/GUI Hotbutton window

    Glad ya like it and was able to get it installed. I'm looking for a link of a sweet little program that installs apks that are not from the market. Soon as I find a link will put it in this thread for future updates!
  11. eljorgejones

    General Question about augmenting..

    Type 3 augs are ususally purchased from a faction vendor from the various expansion period zones using that periods currency (chronobines, orux, whatever). The enegergaic is just a slot that is improved by a power source. Search the bazaar for the keyword "sealed" and you should see a list of...
  12. eljorgejones

    Innerspace Lavishscript/GUI Hotbutton window

    Shits Viewer/Editor seems the best of the two, here's some screens from the app.