Recent content by Dracho

  1. D

    Frustrated First time user of MQ2

    Hey there. I understand it is hard for your first time, but all i can say is : read the wiki page on what specific macro you want to run and also the one for MQ2. Everyone here learned it by doing that or by trial and error. Read MQ2melee, mq2moveutils and all the other plugins. Once you...
  2. D

    GK Monk/Monk Bug

    Thats all I wanted to know, thanks JJ. Glad to see it gone then for good.
  3. D

    GK Monk/Monk Bug

    I have been a member on here long enough to know GK is taboo but I have a few questions. A few weeks ago i zoned into a zone and every single MOB was dead. Then, they all spawned at almost the exact same time. So I naturally assumed that it had been GK'd. Is GK back? Has it ever really been...
  4. D

    /zone not chaining

    Lol, I sure am. Had no idea, thank-you.
  5. D

    /zone not chaining

    I cant get /zone to go to more than one zone. No matter where I am at, and how many zones away, it only zones once then stops. Been using this a long time and know when it is working and not. I did redownload, reboot etc etc. Any ideas?
  6. D

    Google - Chrome

    Dont believe everything ya read. cmon now.
  7. D

    Google - Chrome

    I just d-loaded it and it is freaking SUPER fast. I love a lot of the options too, very easy interface. I know they have a lot of work to do on it but so far it is bad ass imo.
  8. D

    Custom PC titles

    Or buy them from LoN loot :)
  9. D

    Anyone else get this email?

    Hello All, CodeCompiler here This email was to let you all know we are going to be doing solteris flagging 1-7 on 2 servers that you can get invited to join. We do ask you send a donation of 200 dollars to or pm CodeCompiler on the site. This will allow the users to be able to...
  10. D

    Reality Bites transcript

    Just because it is typed doesn't mean it is true.
  11. D

    Strikeforce V Faction

    can you only raise it by completeing tasks? Is there any certain mobs you can kill?
  12. D

    Strikeforce V Faction

    Any instances or any way MQ2 can be used to speed along the process for gaining Strikeforce 5 faction? If ya dont want it publicly known feel free to PM me.
  13. D

    /gate and Ruins of Illsalin

    Every single time it happens to me and has for months.
  14. D

    Looking to buy 22" or 24" LCD panel rules in my opinion for consumer reviews. Just my 2cp
  15. D

    gm bribing failure

    Now I think this jackalope is just making shit up to try and stir the pot... cause seriously, noone can be this dumb (except of course Canadians)