Recent content by Cobalt

  1. C

    Plazmic of MQ Passes On

    Trying to understand crackheads will probably be the death of you. :D My sincere condolences to his family and friends. I did not know Plazmic personally, but obviously he was a catalyst for a piece of software used by tens of thousands maybe more. His work with MQ and subsequent MQ2 has...
  2. C

    Wierd EQ shit thats happened

    hehe you used to be able to (maybe still can), send chat to a guild you are not in.
  3. C

    gzone / knockarround

    Just run a detection routine. Set your X Y Z, if you move, relocate their automatically.
  4. C

    Internet Censorship

    He's really referring to his own Porn.
  5. C

    Ldr aa without the group

    Yes (in the past). Not sure if it still works.
  6. C

    Will this show that I am using MQ2?

    dbg.txt will show mq2 info sometimes.
  7. C

    Where is the compile?

    Structs, missing/merged and new offsets, packet ids, packet structs (possible). All of these require time to fix. Offsets only = less than 1hr once servers are up. Offsets + structs = a few hours to several days depending on how much was changed Offsets + structs + packets = 3+ min days.
  8. C

    REQ : EQ_Character__AutoEat

    Post the code to the plugin pls.
  9. C

    Looting corpses from afar

    MQ2CLoot will loot your corpse from across the zone.
  10. C

    Remove walls

    You could probably pull of some trick with anti-grav/jumping movepackets etc.. but I'm not sure if it would work.
  11. C

    Remove walls

    Line of sight is calculated serverside in many if not all cases. You can bypass client LOS easily with a jump, but it's virtually useless.
  12. C

    GM Sedwick

    Yes. Correct, unless they interact with you. Then you have a way to track them.
  13. C


    Nerfed 99%. There is a way to still do it, but it requires one invite from the target group first. Once that happens, you can invite yourself into the group.
  14. C

    GM Sedwick

    There is no way for a GM to talk with you, or give something without data being sent to the client.
  15. C

    GM Sedwick

    If you can see him... you can detect a GM.