Recent content by andrewi

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    Emergency Patch?? OK, who's been exploiting... (too much!)?

    Unhappy player - why have you banned me and 100's of others without any explanation SOE TSR - dunno Unhappy player - you have an evil GM mastermind behind ths SOE TSR - dunno Unhappy player - a plague upon your Sony house SOE TSR - thankyou, is there anything else I can help with?
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    Emergency Patch?? OK, who's been exploiting... (too much!)?

    Curiouser and curiouser... Anyone been hit?
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    Emergency Patch?? OK, who's been exploiting... (too much!)?

    Damn, another trick I've missed until too late :) Seriously - anyone know the background?
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    Seeing as the post as been rezzed - if anyone has a spare invite I could make good use of it :) Cheers, A/
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    experience question

    Probably a newbie question, but I couldn't find anything posted. I'm trying to understand the way my experience bar is (or rather isn't) moving. 2 * level 86 grouped with a merc. Hunting level 85s. I use xptracker, and the lowest increment I see is 0.303% reported in the MQ2 window. I'd...
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    Place for hitallmobs mac

    I did CoM, then griegs, then PoI / CoD - 85 SK with healer merc and DPS AAs. None of them run, and got me to leeching levels quickly enough.
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    EQEmu newbie client question

    Just playing with setting up a local server. Have everything installed and scripts run except the Titanium client. I'm still playing live on Sony's servers. The installshield config for my Titanium CDs is detecting the patched version already on the machine. Is there a simple way of...
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    AA path

    After an up to date recommended AA path for a rogue and ranger. Couldn't see anything remotely up to dte on safehouse for the rogue, which is my usual reference point. Would welcome any suggestions! Many thanks, A/
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    EggFortune macro.

    Just waiting... SELECT marketplace_purchases.account_id FROM marketplace_purchases JOIN spells_cast ON marketplace_purchases.account_id = spells_cast.account_id WHERE marketplace_purchases.acquired_object = WHICHCAMEFIRST AND marketplace_purchases.date_acquired = JULY2010 AND...
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    Trying to play with this for the first time and making a right mess of things. Has anyone got some code / ini they'd be happy to share with a simple example of it in use. All I want to do is walk from A to B with stops to take out the mobs along the way - then return and rinse / repeat. Had a...
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    How widely travelled?

    Let's say more than just /zone-ing through to name check it, but not necessarily grinding there. How about "killed or hailed at least 1 mob". A/
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    How widely travelled?

    Just curious, wondered whether anyone thinks they've visited every zone (including instances) in EQ. Got bored of grinding last week, so started playing catch up on some of the expansions I'd missed first time round (had a gap between PoP and TSS). Aside from some new and fun off-piste PLing...
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    What if?

    23 years on and still there... My guess is one of the emulaters will grow if SOE turn it off; maybe not a perfect replacement but sufficient for those of us who want our fix. Back at college in '87, I spent 2am til 7am most nights playing one of the first multi-user adventures games around...
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    What to add to group

    I play with an SK main plus 1-5 other accounts depending on the day. Most are DPS, but I've have tried with both a shammy and chanter for slows. I find the shammy is much easier to box (and code macros), so tend to use him unless I need crowd control. Probably means I've not yet cracked...