Recent content by 45K45K

  1. 4

    Progression Server Alchemy Macro

    Personally, i feel that if people "duplicate" currency in any game they shouldn't complain about their bannings or if their server has a lot of people quit afterward. i can understand trying to get a paycheck or a lil' buffer money with it, but the scale it's been at recently is ridiculous and...
  2. 4


    It doesn't work, as far as click-able links goes. I read somewhere in the MQ2 official forums that this fixes it, please do it in the compile. Find this line CODE: SELECT ALL sprintf(hashstr, "%d%s-1-1-1-1-1%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d", and replace with CODE: SELECT ALL sprintf(hashstr, "%d%s%d %d...
  3. 4

    Modbot Users thread

    post a mage ini anyone please?
  4. 4

    MMOBugs MQ2 crashing?

    My EQ is crashing a ton today, every few minutes. It's a new EQ install on two computers and no mods done to EQ client, with no software I believe would conflict with either EQ or MQ2. Another vanilla compile from another forum doesn't have this problem but lacks in comparison.
  5. 4

    What gm's are still active?

    well, afaik deodan's at their head and some of the older csr staff is still around. four that i know of. i know of one that wasn't mentioned here that still is and has been around since '04 or so AFAIK and one that may have been hired back (not sure but it seems very likely) who had left to GM...
  6. 4

    Advice / Short Tutorial on Networked EQ Bots

    EQBCS / Netbots tutorial please. I'm googling it now and I'll update this thread for others if I find what I need.
  7. 4

    joy, another patch day 2/11

    title. 'nuff said.
  8. 4

    Fippy Darkpaw Server

    heh, we all fail at EQ, but we cheat and make up for how shitty the game is.