MMOBugs Code Differences - MMOBugs Wiki

Revision as of 19:31, 4 April 2011 by Htw (talk | contribs) (Initial entry)
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[MacroQuest] ShowMQ2News - Whether to show the MQ2 changes.txt at char select ShowMMONews - Whether to show the MMOBugs news at char select UseOldSelect - Use old ListSelect method UseTimestamps - Use timestamps in MQ2 chat window TimeFormat - Time format for timestamps in MQ2 chat window TimeColor - Color for timestamps in MQ2 chat window MQ2NewsTop - MQ2 changes.txt window top position MQ2NewsBottom - MQ2 changes.txt window bottm position MQ2NewsLeft - MQ2 changes.txt window left position MQ2NewsRight - MQ2 changes.txt window right position MMONewsTop - MMOBugs news window top position MMONewsBottom - MMOBugs news window bottom position MMONewsLeft - MMOBugs news window left position MMONewsRight - MMOBugs news window right position

/updateitems : fixed to not CTD

/memspell : does rk 3, rk2, rk1 order search, without having to specify /cast : does rk 3, rk2, rk1 order search, without having to specify /alias : added reload option (/alias reload) /plugin XXX nocheck (for no timestamp check) /popcustom [color] [displaytime(in seconds)] [message]

Spawn TLO .PctHPs .PctMana .PctEndurance .BodyType

Me TLO .Buff (rk3, rk2, rk1 order search without having to specify) .Song (rk3, rk2, rk1 order search without having to specify) .Gem (rk3, rk2, rk1 order search without having to specify) .CombatAbility (rk3, rk2, rk1 order search without having to specify) .CombatAbilityTimer (rk3, rk2, rk1 order search without having to specify) .CombatAbilityReady (rk3, rk2, rk1 order search without having to specify) .SpellReady (rk3, rk2, rk1 order search without having to specify) .PetBuff (rk3, rk2, rk1 order search without having to specify) .AuraInfo .HOT .BoundZone .BoundY .BoundX .BoundZ .BoundHeading

Spell TLO .Level (self, [class#], [class longname], or [class shortname] .Icon .Rank .SpellGroup

Item TLO .Quest .Range

Window TLO .SelectedIndex

Zone TLO .SafeY .SafeX .SafeZ

Class TLO .Priest .Knight .Tank .Caster .Melee .Hybrid .Pets .MeleeDPS .CasterDPS .CC

Added DebugSpew timestamps.

SearchSpawn additions: pccorpse, npccorpse, aura, object, banner, campfire, noradius, familiar, nofamiliar, invis

String TLO enabled


UI files search: MQ2dir\UIFiles\SkinName, MQ2dir\UIFiles\Default, EQdir\UIFiles\SkinName, EQdir\UIFiles\Default

/windows open

DebugSpew color filters

.cfg file added: InGame.cfg

No max turbo

/goto cmd = /gmgoto (corrupt guide option)


Map markers (/mapfilter mark)


Added types Added classes Added stats TLO: Stat, DispPrice


MQ2ChatWnd.ini [default] ChatTop ChatBottom ChatLeft ChatRight Locked Fades Delay Duration Alpha FadeToAlpha BGType FontSize

/savechattodefault /mqtimestamps