MMOLoader fails to update itself - how to do it manually


Aug 27, 2006
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Albuquerque, NM
It's possible you can get caught in an update loop, due to several possible reasons (such as antivirus, windows protection, etc.).

What that will look like, is MMOLoader downloads the update, and then quits to do the update (but that part fails), restarts and then does the same thing all over again. It's a pretty simple system for self update, it sees a new version, and downloads it as update.exe, then runs that which updates, then starts the new version.

In such a case, you can just download MMOLoader.exe for your chosen client (eq type), and then drop that new version into your MacroQuest2 directory, overwriting the old MMOLoader.exe. You should then be fine.

Here are the direct links for each type:

Live (normal) servers:
Test server:

Beta server:

Emulator servers (pick for the client you use):

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im not getting stuck in a loop it just keeps saying the the nav is out of date even after updates
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AV acting stupid, user error, detail attention required

Yup, Yup, indeed sounds like a heavy-handed AV blocking a disliked file. I'd bet reviewing recent scan logs reveal an AV bias. I can confirm Bitdefender has had a problem with our prized MMOBugs program for sometime. And truly its correct. What 'Bugs' routinely does puts it firmly in the realm of virus, malware & ransomware type activities. I've just stopping fighting w/it. It says yes, I tell it to move along, setting 'Bugs' folder as protected/excluded from scans & on-access inspections. No more problems.

Also noticed with the ~recent jump in ransomware shit many normal software updates -even new installations can set off AV panic attacks, believing the file replacement/addition is an attack.

Even the reknowned Malwarebytes has declared MMOBugs a PUP (possible unwanted program) & stopped it, logging it's update a PUM (possible unwanted modification).

But once configured with appropriate exclusions defined results in a secure feeling. Sadly a sign of the times, AV is no-longer 'set and forget'. But instead requires user interaction to function cleanly. Ya can't be lazy or slack off in configuration/log monitoring. Usually we cause and can correct many of our problems.
MQ2autogroup Plugin

On the plugin autogroup I am having an issue with it. It has been working very well but for the past two days it is not working good.
When I try to autogroup my alts (3) it gives them the group invite but the invite dosent automatically accept like it used to do. I watched the video several time that Fry made on autogrouping and I followed it to a tee but still not working. Any help would be appreciated, and I am not computer savvy either
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On the plugin autogroup I am having an issue with it. It has been working very well but for the past two days it is not working good.
When I try to autogroup my alts (3) it gives them the group invite but the invite dosent automatically accept like it used to do. I watched the video several time that Fry made on autogrouping and I followed it to a tee but still not working. Any help would be appreciated, and I am not computer savvy either
Check your options in game: /autogroup

Verify your INI: MQ2AutoGroup.ini

Check here for specific help:
MQ2AutoGroup - MMOBugs Wiki

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I checked everything over and over again and it still didnt work. However when I logged on yesterday there was an update and now it works again. Not sure what changed but it works and now I am happy again
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I have this issue. MMOLoader spams notifications and is stuck in a loop. I assume it cannot update for whatever reason. I've tried disabling firewalls, etc. Replacing the MMOLoader.exe with those in this parent post on this thread did not help. Any ideas?
(Same results on other 2 systems as well)
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I have this issue. MMOLoader spams notifications and is stuck in a loop. I assume it cannot update for whatever reason. I've tried disabling firewalls, etc. Replacing the MMOLoader.exe with those in this parent post on this thread did not help. Any ideas?
(Same results on other 2 systems as well)

I am assuming you are on live servers? Sorry that the link was outdated since mqnext release, I have updated the links.

Here is the current live link:
Live (normal) servers:
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I am assuming you are on live servers? Sorry that the link was outdated since mqnext release, I have updated the links.

Here is the current live link:
Live (normal) servers:

Aye, I'm just trying to get MMOLoader.exe to exit this loop of spamming of me notifications. After a fresh install of MQ2-MMOBugs-2022-03-20-Setup-Next, I'm prompted to login, I login, then the process opens both MMOLoader and MQ2. MMOLoader starts sending like 10 windows notifications per second, and all the options when right clicking the MMOLoader tray icon are grayed out.

I tried replacing the MMOloader.exe again with this version, but still not change.
Aye, I'm just trying to get MMOLoader.exe to exit this loop of spamming of me notifications. After a fresh install of MQ2-MMOBugs-2022-03-20-Setup-Next, I'm prompted to login, I login, then the process opens both MMOLoader and MQ2. MMOLoader starts sending like 10 windows notifications per second, and all the options when right clicking the MMOLoader tray icon are grayed out.

I tried replacing the MMOloader.exe again with this version, but still not change.

Ah.. I'm dumb. After launching MMOLoader.exe manually with Run As Administrator, it is now working. I wonder if other users are also having this issue? I dont think the executable requests to run as admin by default
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I am assuming you are on live servers? Sorry that the link was outdated since mqnext release, I have updated the links.

Here is the current live link:
Live (normal) servers:

I thought I remember reading a post about MQ2MMO would be sunset when things changed to x64. Thought that totally appropriate as there's no reason to spend resources since it won't run x64. And next is open-sourced, safer for users. I'm dying to know what it'll be christened. All said a much more reliable program designed for todays EQ as well as the possible 'revamp/new EQ' release thanks to Amazon interest. We know they can afford to buy the game engine AND hire the support team to get it done. And relaunch the greatest MMO in history.
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I thought I remember reading a post about MG2MMO would be sunset when things changed to x64. Thought that totally appropriate as there's no reason to spend resources since it won't run x64. And next is open-sourced, safer for users. I'm dying to know what it'll be christened. All said a much more reliable program designed for todays EQ as well as the possible 'revamp/new EQ' release thanks to Amazon interest. We know they can afford to buy the game engine AND hire the support team to get it done. And relaunch the greatest MMO in history.

There's plenty of reasons why - patching, configuration, info to help with resolving users' issues, etc. I am still in process of redesign (building x64 of course), at which point it will be as before, including launch config/start capability.
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