Enabling Active Plugins (Warp, Zone, Speed, etc.)


Aug 27, 2006
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Albuquerque, NM
Active hacks, such as /warp, /zone, /speed, /fartaunt, /fartrade have been disabled due to SoE being able to track there usage. They seem to be doing suspension waves very 3 months or so, and will suspend an account 3 times for active hacks before they permanently ban it. Here is a guide on how to enable active hacks.

List of High Risk Plugins

In order to use active plugins, before starting EQ, edit your macroquest.ini file (in your MQ2 folder), and enable actives.

Look under the [MacroQuest] section, for:


Change it to:


and save the file.

If you don't have that entry under [MacroQuest], then add it.

That will enable you to use MQ2WickedSpeed, MQ2SpeedUtils, etc. Keep in mind if you get busted using an active plugin, don't come crying. ;)

For speed, you should be fine, if you keep it reasonable.

For MQ2DoCrack, if you want to use them without the UI (until UI fixes are done), you can disable the docrack window functions in the same section [MacroQuest], change it to 0, and save (before running EQ/MQ2):


Then use the /docrack command as you will. All the functionality is still there (see the wiki) without the UI, using the /docrack command.

Be sure to update, as there are a couple of corrections I made to MQ2DoCrack.ini.

is this all actives or just the high risk ones? i use fastmem and aaspend, do i need to enable it for them?
is this all actives or just the high risk ones? i use fastmem and aaspend, do i need to enable it for them?

This is for only high risks ones that will pretty much guarantee you will be suspended if you use them. I'd recommend to everyone to not enable them unless you want to lose your EverQuest account.

Some people are going to enable them though to use /speed at a safe level, even that though could be risky.

FastMem and AASpend will work without this enabled.
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For new toons running around, with base 100, try not doing more than 165. If by yourself, bot group, etc. (such as instance, or empty zone), try no higher than 185-200.

Those numbers are your run speed, so you would monitor ${Me.Speed} (I keep it in my hud). The actual value you use with /speed will vary slightly, depending on what your base run speed is.

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even warping in zones no one goes to will be detected now? I never had any issues warping a few years ago even on the tlp servers? just wondering whats up now
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Yeah, it's not by petition... they log it, and there have been a few banwaves
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Yes you can get detected in zones noone goes to just for warping. I recently got a full ban (first offense, no suspension) for warping. I probably had over 10k+ warps if not more, and alot of them in zones noone was in. So you can get banned on first offense as well, but I totally expected it to happen, so just a warning on what you are getting into.
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Ha ha wow i guess it had to end some time, some people were real blatant with it. I wad in a few raiding guilds and i was never even under suspicion, only other mq ers knew. Ah well all work and no warp makes peeps a semi perturbed boy, but hey tracking and mq2melee while boxing is worth it alone.thanks for the info
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Speed question

So the speed one that is in my /mq2docrack window ... The one I use to turn stuff off and on in game. Is this one safe to run all the time? The one that makes it so snares don't slow me down?
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Just curious....

What is MQ2MMONoWelcome.. and why is it high risk?

I don't use it... and have no idea what it does since there is no info for it in the mmobugs wiki page for it.. but seems to be an odd plugin to be considered high risk... if it does what I think and just disables the welcome screen at login.
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Unless I am mistaken, NoWelcome was to kill the Welcome pop-up when you first login to the game. The one that tells you about whatever store specials are going on and other unimportant shit. It was made active after some people said that was the only plugin they were loading that could possibly be the cause. I think htw said something about reviewing it and changing it back to low.

tconti805, no. That is active. Use at your own risk.
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There was some insider information leaked about them targeting people who blocked the welcome screen. I'm not sure how true the information was or not.
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This is for only high risks ones that will pretty much guarantee you will be suspended if you use them. I'd recommend to everyone to not enable them unless you want to lose your EverQuest account.

Some people are going to enable them though to use /speed at a safe level, even that though could be risky.

FastMem and AASpend will work without this enabled.

So, to put it plainly, FastMem and AASpend are safe as far as we all know? I have been away for a few years and I wanted to be sure that I am not missing important changes to the safety levels...
AASpend and FastMem are as "safe" as active plugins get right now. But that doesnt mean they cant set up a process to catch them tomorrow. Any MQ2 use is a calculated gamble, active hacks even more so

However, /gate, /warp long distances a whole bunch, /instantcamp, /speed, /preventspeed, anything with movement packets really is going to get to hit eventually for sure.

It might not be today or tomorrow or next month or 4 months from now, but whenever they decide to get around to it, you will get nailed if they care to nail you. Apparently extremely low amounts of /warping may actually be ok due to some threshhold. That is what a couple people had mentioned, but I've not been willing to test the idea. Others use a couple burner accounts to /warp around for collection items and whenever they get burned, they get burned and start another freebie account and in the process make millions of plat in /baz.
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I did use warp after the first ban wave it was a very short distance to get up a ledge out of some lava. The account was not banned. It was not extensive testing.
Is there anything special I have to do with Windows 8 to turn them on? Every time I try to update the Ini file it says its set to view only and can't save changes. Or maybe I'm just looking at the wrong file but seems to have all the right things in it. Thanks for any help!
Are you logged out when you try to change the file?

Log out, edit file save. Load MQ2/EQ like normal
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Ya have tried it both ways, was logged out and tried to edit it and said I can't edit that file and then also tried logged in from options screen on mmoloader to edit Ini and got the same msg that the file is set to read only and I can't save changes ect :-/
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You try restarting and doing it before you ever load Loader the first time?

navigate to c:/macroquest (this could be a little different depending on your install path)
Open MacroQuest.ini not MacroQuest_Default.ini
Under [MacroQuest] add EnableActivePlugins=1
Load MQ2

I just tried these steps without loading into game to test and have no issues. So if you can not edit it its something on your computer stopping you.