Search results

  1. Brano11

    Ghost kill?

    Yea I've offered $10k and they wouldn't sell it with a contract of some sort.
  2. Brano11

    Ghost kill?

    They are not around anymore
  3. Brano11

    UK account bought for USA, and can not add DB

    Anytime I've had that happen I just use paypal to do all the transactions and it goes through just fine.
  4. Brano11

    DramaQuest - Mischief Plat Dupe Exposed

    Fair enough, always worth a shot!
  5. Brano11

    DramaQuest - Mischief Plat Dupe Exposed

    Semi serious tbf lol
  6. Brano11

    DramaQuest - Mischief Plat Dupe Exposed

    $10k and still wont share it!?
  7. Brano11

    Ls t1 t2 and t3 raid chest

    Would recommend! He does great work!
  8. Brano11

    MissTerious has passed today

    I don't visit the site too often anymore since I don't play EQ at all, but seeing this has my heart broken. I've played with and delta with her many, many times. Condolences to all of her family, she will definitely be missed.
  9. Brano11

    Bristlebane Services

  10. Brano11

    Game Update Notes - July 15, 2020

    The patch that Fry originally posted was from 2018. Smith8454 just added in the July 15th (today's) patch onto the 2018 post instead of creating a new one
  11. Brano11

    Bristlebane Services

    No longer playing
  12. Brano11

    Update on MQ2 usage on Rizlona

    If I remember correctly, redguides does NOT have active hacks in their compile, so anybody using redguides would not have the ability to warp.
  13. Brano11

    MMOBugs vs RedGuides

    I have used both jn the past. I love the mmobugs people here and generally trust people here more than redguides. However with that said, redguides has much more macro content, custom plug-ins etc than I've seen here. Overall I've been a member here much, much longer and will continue to...
  14. Brano11

    Items ToV Chase Items!

  15. Brano11

    Service WTB Somebody to create holyshits for me...because I suck

    I was able to find somebody to get skme help from, I just haven't had time to post the ones I got since work has been really busy right now. Thank you though!
  16. Brano11

    Account WTS 115 Monk

  17. Brano11


    Trying changing the radius that the plugin searches for mobs: /farm radius xxxx /farm zradius xxxx Just use however large numbers you want to use.
  18. Brano11

    Account WTS 115 Monk

    Selling my monk since I have decided on a different class. He is full T3 ToV geared, 25k AA. Has ToV tier 2h blunt as well as his 1 handers. Looking for $400