MQ2Twist - MMOBugs Wiki

Revision as of 14:42, 8 August 2009 by Ducksausage (talk | contribs)
Plugin Info
Name MQ2Twist
Author Cr4zyb4rd
Link Wiki Link
Commands /twist
Source Available Yes
Uses INI File Yes


Bard song twisting. Like melody on steroids.


  • /twist # # # # # : Twists in the order given.
           Valid options are 1 thru 8 for song gems, and 10 thru 19 for item clicks. 
           These may be mixed in any order, and repeats are allowable. Up to 10 may be 
           If a song is specified with a duration longer than standard (ie, selos) 
           that song will be twisted based on it's duration.  For example, riz+mana+selos 
           would be a 2 song twist with selos pulsed every 2.5 min. 

  • /twist hold <GEM #> : Pause twisting and sing only the specified song
  • /sing <GEM#> : alias for /twist hold
  • /twist [stop|end|off] : stop twisting, does not clear the twist queue
  • /stoptwist : alias for /twist stop
  • /twist or /twist [start|on] - Resume the twist after using /twist hold or /twist stop
  • /twist delay # : (10ths of a second, minimum of 30, default 33
  • /twist reload : reload the INI file to update item clicks
  • /twist slots : List the slots defined in the INI and their #'s
  • /twist quiet : Toggles songs listing and start/stop messages for one-shot twists


     /twist 1           Sing gem 1 forever 
     /twist 1 2 3       Twist gems 1,2, and 3 forever 
     /twist 1 2 3 10    Twist gems 1,2,3, and clicky 10, forever 
     /twist hold 4      Sing gem 4 forever, until another singing-related /twist command is given
     /sing 4            Same as above

INI File

    Delay=32                 Delay between twists (in 10ths of a second). Lag & System dependant. 
    Adjust=1                 This defines  how many ticks before the 'normal' 
                        recast time to cast a long song. 


This plugin is included with the MMOBugs Compile.