MQ2Loops - MMOBugs Wiki

Plugin Info
Name MQ2Loops
Version 1.01
Author el_nene
Commands /while

/endwhile /do /until /break /continue

Uses INI File No


MQ2Loops is a plugin that adds while and do loop functionality to macros.


MQ2Loops provides six commands:

  • /while Executes a loop, evaluating the condition on each iteration.
  • /endwhile Closes a while loop.
  • /do Executes a loop, evaluating the condition on each iteration except the first.
  • /until Closes a do loop.
  • /break Stops a /while, /do or /for loop.
  • /continue Stops a /while, /do or /for loop, reevaluating the condition.

Coding syntax:

/while (<condition>) 
/until (<condition>) 

Using break or continue (applies equally to do or while loops):

/while (<condition>) 
 if(condition) /break
 if(condition) /continue


This plugin comes with the MMOBugs binary, source, and install distributions.