MQ2ChatFilter - MMOBugs Wiki

Revision as of 18:21, 16 April 2009 by Htw (talk | contribs) (added <br> lines to force formatting)
Plugin Info
Name MQ2ChatFilter
Version 1.14
Author htw
Uses INI File Yes


This plugin allows you to filter out lines that would go to your chat windows. Any lines that are filtered out, will not be shown in game. Good for spammers or other types of annoyances.

A few plugins can interfere with how MQ2ChatFilter works, so make sure it is loaded early in your plugin list. Look in macroquest.ini under the [Plugins] section, and make sure MQ2MMOBugs is loaded first, then MQ2ChatFilter, then all other plugins, e.g.:

(other plugins)


The plugin is configured via an INI file. Entries are a substring search, and are NOT case sensitive. Using /chatfilter without parameters will show command syntax.

Sample Configuration




Configuration Explanation

  • DefaultState: Controls the state of the plugin when you first log into game. If DefaultState=on, then filtering is enabled as soon as the plugin is loaded.
  • filter#: Where # = 1, 2, etc. See the example above. I.e., would filter out any chat lines with in it, before you ever saw the chat line in game.

Command Syntax

/chatfilter [help | on | off | load | save | add | del | clear | default | list]

  • on: Turns chat filtering on.
  • off: Turns chat filtering off.
  • load: Loads settings and filters from .ini file (any unsaved additions will be lost!).
  • save: Updates .ini file to match current options and filters that are active.
  • add: Add a new filter (ex: /chatfilter add "wtb plat" ).
  • del: Delete a filter (ex: /chatfilter del 15 ). Deletes filter #15.
  • clear: Clears all filters.
  • default: Toggles default status at plugin load (the .ini will be updated with this value).
  • list: Lists current filters.


MQ2ChatFilter is available as part of the MMOBugs plugin distribution.