Warp status?


Active member
May 22, 2011
Reaction score
Can warp be used occasionally in discrete situations or is it pretty much an eventual auto-ban now days?
Don't think any bans have happened recently due to warp unless someone was being dumb/obvious and getting petitioned by others. With that said, it, like all active hacks, use at your own risk.
but that does not mean go out there and do crazy crap like ppl did in the pass and give everyone unwanted attention its how it all started btw
If you wanna test the waters, make a new free account and teleport it all over the place. then wait for the hammer to hit you in the face. LOL
I use it all the time, but you gotta be smart about it.

1) see if anyone is in zone, if empty, I warp at will
2) if someone is in zone, 90% of the time I don't warp.
3) if I do warp with someone in zone, I make sure it isn't near them (check map, /target player name in zone). I also make sure it isn't to like an island past them for example, or, any camp where I would have to physically pass them.