Unable to adjust MQ2 window in game


Active member
May 22, 2011
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For some reason, I cannot right click the mq2 window to adjust it's properties. Ideally, I would make it fad when the mouse isn't over it, but for some reason, it won't let me. I should probably note that I am using the version made for the EQEmulator.

Any tips on this would be helpful.

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Right click --- Then "UNCLICK" LOCK that should make you able to adjust the magic window :)
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It does not allow for me to right click on the window. When the mouse cursor goes over it, it turns to crossed arrows and all I can do is move it at that point.
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Ok... Let's consider a different approach. If I wanted to adjust the properties of the MQ2 window outside of the game, which file would I need to modify or copy from another character profile in order to get it where and how I want it to be?
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