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trying to get rez stick to Only work on group or Guild people so everytime i run through the lobby it doesnt auto rez someone this is my Downshit

downshit1=/if (${SpawnCount[pccorpse guildname radius 110 zradius 50]} && ${Cast.Ready[Staff of Forbidden Rites]} && !${Me.Casting.ID} && !${Me.Invis} && !${Me.Moving}) /multiline ; /target id ${Spawn[pccorpse guildname radius 110 zradius 50].ID} ; /if (${Target.ID} && ${Target.Type.Equal[CORPSE]}) /timed 10 /corpse ; /if (${Target.ID} && ${Target.Type.Equal[CORPSE]}) /timed 20 /casting "Staff of Forbidden Rites|item"

when i echo it im getting

/if (0 && TRUE && !NULL && !FALSE && !FALSE) /multiline ; /target id 0 ; /if (15860 && FALSE) /timed 10 /corpse ; /if (15860 && FALSE) /timed 20 /casting "Staff of Forbidden Rites|item"
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Reactions: EQDAB
I'm assuming you do indeed have a guild members corpse within radius 110 and zradius 50, but you're getting 0 on the spawncount? I'm not positive the spawnsearch is smart enough to parse it that way for guildname, as it's also possible to specify a guild. Try with that as the last term? Maybe: ${SpawnCount[pccorpse radius 110 zradius 50 guildname]} and ${Spawn[pccorpse radius 110 radius 50 guildname].ID}