Necro Scent of Thule


New member
Oct 5, 2007
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For some reason I cannot figure out how to get the necro to cast this AA..

I've tried adding debuff1=Scent of Thule and and messing around with some stuff but not really sure what to edit
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dont think you can ADD debuffs to MQ2BOT plugin

if its an AA and it doesnt recognize it your SOL, if its a spell maybe have it loaded when you start plugin

consider a holyshit flag (mq2melee)
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I've tried both! I don't think it is recognizing the AA or the Spell sadly.
All tho I have used this program for years I've never made one of those before. Not sure how. I've read into a little bit, not recently, and couldnt quite grasp it.
What's the AA do? Lucy has this great info: Casts the highest rank you know of *$1+G and *$2+G.

Scent of Thule XV, when activated, casts the highest rank of Scent of Terris and Scent of Mortality that you have scribed and triggers Death's Malaise IV on undead targets

Really nice debuff and undead slow. Was hoping it would be cast like how the shammy casts Malo.

holyshit0=/if (${Me.CombatState.Equal[COMBAT]} && ${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && !${Target.Buff[Scent of Thule XV].ID} && ${Target.PctHPs}<98) /alt act (whatever the alt activate number is)

add, remove or modify any condition to suit your needs, thats a basic template for it, dont need a macro or bot plugin, just mq2melee

add that to your server toon name ini (m2melee section)

in game make sure mq2melee is loaded

then do /plugin mq2melee load


or hope some changes are made to bot plugin so you can add debuffs(buffs, aas or whatever)