Nav Target - Bot Puller - reset question


Lifetime Member
Jan 13, 2007
Reaction score
Sometimes when pulling if the puller dies the nav target will get locked. Once recovered, the puller will try to sometimes go way out and then die/wipe again.

What is the command to reset mq2nav and clear out all old targets for the MQ2Bot puller so it starts fresh after a wipe/reset?

Thanks, Fry I've tried those in the past but will try again next time it happens.
I've had this issue before, where MQ2Nav spams Unable to locate dest on navmesh, it's MQ2Bot related. If you unload the plugin and reload, I've found that this fixes it but if I'm not there it just kinda breaks til I get back. But at least you can fix pretty easily!
Thanks tried that as well. It seems what I need is a command to clear the target list that sits in a data structure somewhere in mq2bot.

Maybe a "/bot cleartarget" command or similar that could clear that DS. Someone could then add the problem mob to ignore if you need to camp that spot or adjust pull ranges.
I have this happen a lot especially if I have levitate on.
taking away levitate seems to make a large difference on how often this occurs
I have tried turning bot off and back on. Sometimes that works but usually not or very temporary and it goes right back into it sometimes grabbing a new Target by myself after I turn bot off and back on
But so far the only two things that have been 100% solid for me is turning off levitate and then if you get stuck in the spam camp and come back works every time until the next time
Thanks, I haven't tried without lev, I generally have it up. Yeah camp and come back always works but obviously not optimal.