MQ2BOT and Lay on Hands


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2006
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Im using a paly and mq2bot plugin
the heal is Heal0
I set this as a condition: Healif0=${Target.PctHPs}<=30 so he doesnt blow it (20 min reuse)
he still fires it (at worse and most wasteful times), he just did it for the hell of it , it seems
what is a proper condition so he doesnt do that, wasnt even in combat (about to solve that now), ill see if I can add a pc check syntax
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trying this
 Healif0= (${Target.Type.Equal[PC] && ${Target.PctHPs}<=30 && ${Me.CombatState.Equal[COMBAT]})
in theory should check to have a pc targetted, and its below 30 and only do it in combat?
if there is a better condition suggestion for not wasting lay on hands i would appreciate it
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Best solution i've found is to disable it in bot and let melee handle it.
Same for Hand of Piety and Gift of Life.