How much of a threat is Reachit really?


New member
Nov 5, 2015
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I'm not botting in groups EVER and I only run one account. I haven't ran a group of bots in 5+ years. How much of a threat is Reachit to me vs a person who's botting in groups/botting full groups on a regular basis? I understand that it leaves cookie crumbs behind for the GM's to find later *if* I am ever reported. I have essentially minimal reason to ever be flagged. I use the map and run the occasional /mac for basic things like /bazaar mac but that's it.

I guess what I'm really asking is does it get auto detected if someone's actively using it? Thanks!
I use it to summon corpses about 90% of the time, which is about 2x a month. I used to use it to /gank collectibles but it's not easy to target them anymore. I've never been caught.
I've tested /fartaunt every patch on the same account for 10+ years to check movement packet is functioning correctly.

Account is still active.

That said, it is labelled high risk for a reason. It will show up on server logs if Darkpaw go looking for it, especially if it is overly abused. It's also really noticeable ingame.
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