Help with mq2advloot RoF Emu


New member
May 28, 2011
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Hello, I can't seem to get mq2advloot to work properly. I have read the wiki and it is saying to use /mqadvloot which returns a not valid command. I tried to then use /advloot and it will start to loot the corpses, but after looting one corpse I am getting a corpse to far away message, and you must first target a corpse to loot message. Also a message in the mq window that says LootWnd failed to open. Any help is appreciated, Thanks
I am having the same issue with /advloot - 75% of the time it will warp to the corpse then "LootWnd failed to open" tried adjusting Delays to no avail.

ROF2 Client - Premium Account.
i would love to see this resolved as im having the same issue seems to be a z axis issue with warp
Other issues I have found with RoF2 that do not exist with UF's client.

Warp likes to throw you high in the air randomly when using /warp t

ADVloot fails to open the loot window (You are aware of this one)

Reachit - /sayt and /fartaunt fail to work, they do not provide any errors, just do nothing.

(!${Me.FreeInventory}) Always returns !2 instead of the appropriate !0 when the inventory is full

MQ2Timer - Interface does not appear to work correctly.


Everything except for the timer I have tested on UF and it works as intended.
Need help with these issues please!

If those things were fixed, I'd be too happy! As it is, RoF2 is hard love.
Ya, I've still got these on my list, but my list is toooo long...

I apologize for the delay, but I promise to get to it as soon as I can move it up the list.

Other issues I have found with RoF2 that do not exist with UF's client.

ADVloot fails to open the loot window (You are aware of this one)

I use a macro to do mass looting usually without issues using Advloot...

Usually I found the cause of the loot window failing to open, is that you are completing the loot action to soon after warping... try putting a little delay in there...

Here is the macro I use to do my mass looting... it runs ALMOST flawless.

#turbo 20

Sub Main

	/tar corpse targetable next
	/warp t
	/delay 2s
	/delay 2s
     /goto :Loop
I have a pretty complex macro that someone gave me for warp killing, Looting based on rules and /sayt agro'n when mobs are below a specific Z axis (Stuck under world) and selling to a portable merchant, but I figured if I could leverage other functions such as /advloot I could build a better loot filter and sell filter rather than just selling everything in bags 1-7.

Sadly since many of these functions are currently not working in RoF2, I am forced back to UF/HoT hybrid. (I know HTW is working on it)

Also need to get the MQ2Timer working as there is bosses that Emote on death and respawn in an hour from that death, would like to track it so if I am afk and come back I can clearly see how much time is left before respawn.
Wow I didn't see how useful (!${Me.FreeInventory}) could be until now. I wonder if there would be a way to work around it by checking to see if an item is on the cursor