Help finding collectibles in housing


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2006
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Does anyone know if there is a macro to search your housing for collectibles you may be missing?

I am not sure if thats possible, but is there anyway (macro perhaps) to check if you have any collectibles in housing or bank etc that you could claim
The fact that this question ever came up in the first place personally amazes me as I never thought anyone would put collectibles in their house.

But here ya go.

Guess it goes without saying you need to stand on your real estate plot for this to work. But saying it anyway


  • CollectibleHouse.mac
    5.1 KB · Views: 12
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rogue filled up houses (several)
hoping other toons can come clean up and get what they need
worked awesome btw, is there any way it could grab only 1 item instead multiples, that would help with 2 things, 1)dont run out of space 2) wont have to put a bunch of extras back

again worked awesome , ty vm, if no changes are ever made its still fantastic ty vm
How many items can you put in a house? I'm running out of space to store augments, and gear by levels. I usually keep a set of best in slot non-prestige gear for each 5 levels, incase I ever want to delevel and PL a toon.
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500 items
you can have more than one house (2)
you can have access to as many house times (2) as you have alts that have houses

if you clicked the collectibles as soon as they dropped and passed them out to who ever needed them every expansion and have them click asap
some people wouldnt be stuck w a crapton of items to look for and click :(
was only paid $20.01 (yes, dickhead added the 1 penny) to make this macro, so I made it work then never had any intention on revisiting the code ever again. With that said, probably not going to be doing any changes at all lol. Glad it worked out for you.