Devestator's Macro's With Aura Error's


Lifetime Member
Dec 5, 2014
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Hello everyone,

Spoke with someone that helped me out on updating the files with devestaros macros. If you want the support files with the updates let me know, there is no charge for this. I figure I try to help those that utilize his program macro's. The aura'erros have been fixed. let me know.

Thank you
I could use them thanks!
Not to be silly or anything, but why not attach them to this thread instead of sending them individually? I don't need them. Just thought it would be easier that way.
Not to be silly or anything, but why not attach them to this thread instead of sending them individually? I don't need them. Just thought it would be easier that way.

Well thank you Chatwiththisname for your input. I thought I was helping those that needed the update, and I went out of my way to get it update.

++++ BECAUSE I WANT TO BE SILLY, ASIDE FROM BUDLIGHT AND CRIPPIE ++++ kindly send Chatwiththisname a message for the updates. APPARENTLY BECAUSE YOU DONT NEED IT YOU MADE A FOUL COMMENT, but those that did were happy enough to messege me for the update!

Note: I am still new to this program so I don't know if I was able to do it since the program don't belong to me although there is no support for it. I think your comment was unwarranted and to be honest, it offends me because I went out of my way to get those files for those that needed it.
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Thanks much for the files, installed. But still getting the errors for the actual mac. I am sure it has to do with the question I asked in another post that HTW answered.

I am going to see if changing the lines in the mac help or not. I get lost fast with the codes.

Just keeps wanting to cast aura over and over.
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The new premium works fine for cleric, war and chanter.

But bard is still borked.

Thanks islandgirl671
Not to be silly or anything, but why not attach them to this thread instead of sending them individually? I don't need them. Just thought it would be easier that way.

Well thank you Chatwiththisname for your input. I thought I was helping those that needed the update, and I went out of my way to get it update.

++++ BECAUSE I WANT TO BE SILLY, ASIDE FROM BUDLIGHT AND CRIPPIE ++++ kindly send Chatwiththisname a message for the updates. APPARENTLY BECAUSE YOU DONT NEED IT YOU MADE A FOUL COMMENT, but those that did were happy enough to messege me for the update!

Note: I am still new to this program so I don't know if I was able to do it since the program don't belong to me although there is no support for it. I think your comment was unwarranted and to be honest, it offends me because I went out of my way to get those files for those that needed it.

I believe dev did finally release them to the public but that was after another had released them as well. Since just about all of his clients that he had to support were about out of time and he didn't have time to work on them anymore he opened them up to everyone. If I remember right.
Not to be silly or anything, but why not attach them to this thread instead of sending them individually? I don't need them. Just thought it would be easier that way.

Well thank you Chatwiththisname for your input. I thought I was helping those that needed the update, and I went out of my way to get it update.

++++ BECAUSE I WANT TO BE SILLY, ASIDE FROM BUDLIGHT AND CRIPPIE ++++ kindly send Chatwiththisname a message for the updates. APPARENTLY BECAUSE YOU DONT NEED IT YOU MADE A FOUL COMMENT, but those that did were happy enough to messege me for the update!

Note: I am still new to this program so I don't know if I was able to do it since the program don't belong to me although there is no support for it. I think your comment was unwarranted and to be honest, it offends me because I went out of my way to get those files for those that needed it.

Post them. As stated by others, Dev has opened sourced it now, and a bunch of people are having issues because of this.

If you can't figure out how, shoot them my way and I'll get it done.
I thought I had posted the updates, I am sorry.

Here they are,


| ======================================================================================================
| v1.09
| 									Written By - Devestator
| Description:
|  devPull is a include file for dev's bots to handle pulling in any situation any class.
| v1.09 Update Notes
|  -Added PullPathMaxTime and PullPathMaxTimeN to set maximum time for a pull path even if it is still finding mobs
| v1.08 Update Notes
|  -Added the ability to use a pet to pull, should only be used currenty for characters that have pet hold
| v1.07 Update Notes
|  -Added the ability to use +/- on the PullMinLevel and PullMaxLevel to signifiy differences from character level
|  -Changed AltAbility Range checking to use Me.AltAbility.Spell.Range instead of Spell.Range
| v1.06 Update Notes
|  -Corrected a problem with multiple pull paths being unable to load path 'FALSE' after
|    pulling on all paths.
|  -Added the ability to have a list of target pull NPCs (all others will be ignored unless they aggro)
|    INI Setting for this is [Pull Settings] PullTargetx, there can be up to 100 and they can be partial names
| v1.05 Update Notes
|  -Corrected a problem causing some Discs and AAs to not cast correctly when pulling
|  -Modified Unsafe PC check while pulling to be more consistent with what it does
|  -Added hidden setting [Pull Settings] UnsafePCCheck=TRUE, you can set this to FALSE
|    in order to completely disable checking for unsafe pcs while pulling.  This can
|    speed up path movement while pulling if it is running slow for you.
| v1.04 Update Notes
|  -Corrected Group.Member reference for group TLO change in the compile
|  -Made some tweaks to switching from ranged to melee if to close
|  -Adjusted XTarget aggro detection
|  -Updated pull result return to get information on pull failures back to the bot
| v1.03 Update Notes
|  -Added some additional level 2 debuggin messages
| v1.02 Update Notes
|  -Added some additional checking to the pull routine to prevent the bot from getting stuck out 
|    while pulling.
|  -Added setting [Pull Settings] IncomingMessage=NULL, will announce this message when it aggros
|    a mob and heads back toward camp
|  -Added option to specify a specific zone for a path PullPathZoneN=NULL, it should be set
|    equal to the zones short name if you want to limit that path to be used only in one zone
|    This should only ever need to be used if it's not a MQ2AdvPath zone, and you are changing
|    zones with very similar coordinates.
|  -Added camp check call while pulling to check camp for unsafe pcs / gms
|  -New setting [General] UnsafePCReturnToCamp=FALSE if an unsafe pc is detected at camp, TRUE will return to camp
|    with or without any mobs currently in tow before taking the specified UnsafePCAction
|    FALSE will take the specified UnsafePCAction where it is
|    if action is continue, then it will continue with the pull as normal
| v1.01 Update Notes
|  -Corrected a problem with bards pulling with anything other than a song
|  -Changed healer requirements to be able to specify number of healers required to pull.
|    Setting: [Pull Settings] RequiredHealers=1  Defaults to 1, set it to the number of healers
|    required in group and or watchlist (present in the zone and not dead), required to pull.
|  -Added hidden setting [Pull Settings] MaxTargetRange=250  This is the default maximum range
|    it will attempt to use a spell / ability to pull.  It will still auto detect if a spell
|    ability or item require a shorter range.
| v1.00 Update Notes
|  -initial release
|  -Multiple Pull Paths
|  -Pulling while in combat before the last mob dies (Only when using xtarget)
|  -MedTo settings for better med periods
|  -Face the direction you came from at camp
|  -Supports all classes
|  -Required buffs to have before going to pull
|  -Supports MQ2AdvPath paths
|  -Integrates better with MMOBugs target range restrictions
| ======================================================================================================

|#include pathrecord.mac

Sub PullInit
	/declare devPullVer						float outer 1.09
	/declare devPullReqCommon			float outer 2.39
	/declare devPullReqMovement		float outer 1.69

	/call EchoLog "Initializing v${devPullVer}"	TRUE
	/if (${devCommonVer}<${devPullReqCommon}) {
		/call EchoLog "\ayThe version of v${devCommonVer} is not supported by v${devPullVer}, please download a newer version of"
	/if (${devMovementVer}<${devPullReqMovement}) {
		/call EchoLog "\ayThe version of v${devMovementVer} is not supported by v${devPullVer}, please download a newer version of"
	| ===================================
	|  Load pull settings
	| ===================================
	/call EchoLog "Loading pull settings" TRUE
	/declare allowPullMode				bool outer TRUE
	/declare pullMode							bool outer FALSE
	/declare pullWith							string outer
	/declare pullType							string outer
	/declare pullPath							string outer
	/declare pullPathZone					string outer
	/declare pullPathMaxTime			string outer
	/declare pullPaths[20]				string outer
	/declare defPullPaths[20]			string outer
	/declare pullPathZones[20]		string outer
	/declare pullPathMaxTimes[20]	string outer
	/declare pullPathNum					int outer 1
	/declare pullPathTimer				timer outer 0s
	/declare multiPaths						bool outer FALSE
	/declare pullTimeOut					string outer
	/declare pullRadius						float outer
	/declare pullZRadius					float outer
	/declare pullMinLevelLoad			string outer
	/declare pullMaxLevelLoad			string outer
	/declare pullMinLevel					int outer
	/declare pullMaxLevel					int outer
	/declare lullSpell						string outer
	/declare lullGem							string outer 2
	/declare lullGemInt						int local 2
	/declare lullSong							string outer NULL
	/declare lullSlot							string outer
	/declare pullGem							string outer 1
	/declare pullGemInt						int local 0
	/declare lullRadius						float outer	
	/declare bandolierAtCamp			bool outer FALSE
	/declare defaultMinMana				int outer
	/declare defaultMinHP					int outer
	/declare defaultMinEnd				int outer
	/declare defaultMedToMana			int outer
	/declare defaultMedToHP				int outer
	/declare defaultMedToEnd			int outer
	/declare pullHoldMedding			bool outer FALSE
	/declare pullRestTime					string outer
	/declare pullTimer						timer outer 0s
	/declare pullCombatTimer			timer outer 0s
	/declare pullBandolier				string outer
	/declare normalBandolier			string outer
	/declare returnToCamp					bool outer
	/declare requiredPullBuffs[20]		string outer
	/declare fadeOnPull						bool outer	
	/declare faceAtCamp						bool outer FALSE
	/declare pullCampMobs					int outer 0
	/declare pullMobHP						int outer 0
	/declare allowCombatPull			bool outer TRUE
	/declare requireHealer				int outer 1
	/declare healerMsgTimer				timer outer 0s
	/declare maxTargetRange				float outer 0
	/declare incMessage						string outer NULL
	/declare pathsCount						int local 0
	/declare reqBuffsCount				int local 0
	/declare usePullPath					bool outer TRUE
	/declare pullState						string outer NULL
	/declare pullMedToMsgTimer		timer outer 0s
	/declare pullMsgTimer					timer outer 0s
	/declare pullResult						string outer 
	/declare fastFaceOnAggro			bool outer TRUE
	/declare pullNPCList[100]			string outer
	/declare pullNPCCount					int outer 0
	/declare pullTargetAlert			int outer 250
	/call GetINISetting ${iniName} "Pull Settings" PullAtStart pullMode FALSE
	/call GetINISetting ${iniName} "Pull Settings" PullWith pullWith NULL
	/call GetINISetting ${iniName} "Pull Settings" PullGem pullGem 1 FALSE
	/varset pullGemInt ${pullGem}
	/call GetINISetting ${iniName} "Pull Settings" PullType pullType ${If[${Me.Class.ShortName.Equal[BRD]},${If[${pullGemInt},GEM${pullGem},${pullGem}]},MELEE]}
	/call GetINISetting ${iniName} "Pull Settings" PullPathName pullPath Default FALSE
	/call GetINISetting ${iniName} "Pull Settings" PullPathMaxTime pullPathMaxTime 0 FALSE 
	/call GetINIArrayCount ${iniName} "Pull Settings" PullPathName NULL
	/varset pathsCount ${Macro.Return}
	/if (${pathsCount}) {
		/for nArray 1 to ${pathsCount}
			/call GetINISetting ${iniName} "Pull Settings" PullPathName${nArray} defPullPaths[${nArray}] ${If[${nArray}==1,${pullPath},NULL]}
			/call GetINISetting ${iniName} "Pull Settings" PullPathZone${nArray} pullPathZones[${nArray}] NULL FALSE
			/call GetINISetting ${iniName} "Pull Settings" PullPathMaxTime${nArray} pullPathMaxTimes[${nArray}] ${pullPathMaxTime} FALSE
		/next nArray
	/call GetINISetting ${iniName} "Pull Settings" PullPathName${Math.Calc[${pathsCount}+1].Int} NULL ${If[!${pathsCount},${pullPath},NULL]}
	/call GetINISetting ${iniName} "Pull Settings" PullTimeout pullTimeOut 30s
	/call GetINISetting ${iniName} "Pull Settings" PullRadius pullRadius 100
	/call GetINISetting ${iniName} "Pull Settings" PullZRadius pullZRadius 100
	/call GetINISetting ${iniName} "Pull Settings" PullMinLevel pullMinLevelLoad 1
	/call GetINISetting ${iniName} "Pull Settings" PullMaxLevel pullMaxLevelLoad +0
	/call GetINISetting ${iniName} "Pull Settings" LullSong lullSong NULL FALSE
	/call GetINISetting ${iniName} "Pull Settings" Lull lullSpell "${If[${Me.Class.ShortName.Equal[BRD]},${lullSong},NULL]}"
	/call GetINISetting ${iniName} "Pull Settings" LullGem lullGem 2 FALSE
	/varset lullGemInt ${lullGem}
	/call GetINISetting ${iniName} "Pull Settings" LullSlot lullSlot ${If[${Me.Class.ShortName.Equal[BRD]},${If[${lullGemInt},GEM${lullGem},${lullGem}]},GEM2]}
	/call GetINISetting ${iniName} "Pull Settings" LullRadius lullRadius 50	
	/call GetINISetting ${iniName} "Pull Settings" DefaultMinMana defaultMinMana 50
	/call GetINISetting ${iniName} "Pull Settings" DefaultMinHP defaultMinHP 75
	/call GetINISetting ${iniName} "Pull Settings" DefaultMinEnd defaultMinEnd 50
	/call GetINISetting ${iniName} "Pull Settings" DefaultMedToMana defaultMedToMana ${defaultMinMana} FALSE
	/call GetINISetting ${iniName} "Pull Settings" DefaultMedToHP defaultMedToHP ${defaultMinHP} FALSE
	/call GetINISetting ${iniName} "Pull Settings" DefaultMedToEnd defaultMedToEnd ${defaultMinEnd} FALSE
	/call GetINISetting ${iniName} "Pull Settings" PullRestTime pullRestTime 10s
	/call GetINISetting ${iniName} "Pull Settings" CircuitRestTime circuitRestTime 1m
	/call GetINISetting ${iniName} "Pull Settings" PullBandolier pullBandolier NULL
	/call GetINISetting ${iniName} "Pull Settings" NormalBandolier normalBandolier NULL
	/call GetINISetting ${iniName} "Pull Settings" BandolierSwapAtCamp bandolierAtCamp FALSE
	/call GetINISetting ${iniName} "Pull Settings" ReturnToCamp returnToCamp TRUE
	/call GetINISetting ${iniName} "Pull Settings" FadeOnPull fadeOnPull ${If[${Me.Class.ShortName.Equal[BRD]},TRUE,FALSE]} ${If[${Me.Class.ShortName.Equal[BRD]},TRUE,FALSE]} 
	/call GetINISetting ${iniName} "Pull Settings" FaceAtCamp faceAtCamp FALSE
	/call GetINISetting ${iniName} "Pull Settings" PullAtMobsLeftInCamp pullCampMobs 0
	/call GetINISetting ${iniName} "Pull Settings" PullAtAssistMobHP pullMobHP 15
	/call GetINISetting ${iniName} "Pull Settings" RequiredHealers requireHealer 1
	/call GetINISetting ${iniName} "Pull Settings" MaxTargetRange maxTargetRange ${If[${isMMOBugs} && ${MMOBugs.TargetRange},${MMOBugs.TargetRange},250]} FALSE
	/call GetINISetting ${iniName} "Pull Settings" IncomingMessage incMessage NULL
	/call GetINISetting ${iniName} "Pull Settings" UnsafePCReturnToCamp unsafePCReturn FALSE bool
	/call GetINISetting ${iniName} "Pull Settings" UnsafePCCheck unsafePCPullCheck TRUE FALSE bool
	/call GetINISetting ${iniName} "Pull Settings" UseFastFaceOnAggro fastFaceOnAggro TRUE FALSE bool
	/call GetINIArrayCount ${iniName} "Pull Settings" RequiredPullBuff NULL
	/varset reqBuffsCount ${Macro.Return}	
	/for nArray 1 to ${Math.Calc[${reqBuffCounts}+1]}
		/call GetINISetting ${iniName} "Pull Settings" RequiredPullBuff${nArray} requiredPullBuffs[${nArray}] NULL
		/if (${requiredPullBuffs[${nArray}].NotEqual[NULL]}) /call EchoLog ".....Required Pull Buff ${requiredPullBuffs[${nArray}]}" TRUE
	/next nArray
	/call GetINISetting ${iniName} "Pull Settings" PullTargetAlert pullTargetAlert 250 FALSE
	/call GetINIArrayCount ${iniName} "Pull Settings" PullTarget NULL
	/varset pullNPCCount ${Macro.Return}
	/squelch /alert clear ${pullTargetAlert}
	/if (${pullNPCCount}) {
		/for nArray 1 to 100
			/call GetINISetting ${iniName} "Pull Settings" PullTarget${nArray} pullNPCList[${nArray}] NULL FALSE
			/squelch /alert add ${pullNPCList[${nArray}]}
		/next nArray
	} else {
		/squelch /alert add ${pullTargetAlert} npc
	| /call GetINISetting ${iniName} "Pull Settings" PullTarget${Math.Calc[${pullNPCCount}+1].Int} NULL NULL
	/if (${pullMinLevelLoad.Left[1].Equal[-]} || ${pullMinLevelLoad.Left[1].Equal[+]}) {
		/varset pullMinLevel ${Math.Calc[${Me.Level} ${pullMinLevelLoad}].Int}
	} else {
		/varset pullMinLevel ${pullMinLevelLoad}
	/if (${pullMinLevel} < 1) /varset pullMinLevel 1
	/if (${pullMaxLevelLoad.Left[1].Equal[-]} || ${pullMaxLevelLoad.Left[1].Equal[+]}) {
		/varset pullMaxLevel ${Math.Calc[${Me.Level} ${pullMaxLevelLoad}].Int}
	} else {
		/varset pullMaxLevel ${pullMaxLevelLoad}
	/call EchoLog ".....PULLATSTART: ${pullMode} PULLWITH: ${pullWith}  PULLTYPE: ${pullType} PULLRADIUS: ${pullRadius} CAMPRETURN: ${returnToCamp} PULLMINLEVEL: ${pullMinLevel} PULLMAXLEVEL: ${pullMaxLevel}" TRUE

	/call SetHome

	| ==================	
	| Load Path(s)
	| ==================
	/declare pathLoadZone						int outer ${Zone.ID}	
	/call PullBuildPathList
	/if (${pullCampMobs} && ${pullMobHP} && !${useXTarget} && ${allowCombatPull}) {
		/varset allowCombatPull FALSE
		/call EchoLog "\aySettings are configured to pull when there are \ag${pullCampMobs}\ay or less mobs left in camp and the current assist target is below \ag${pullMobHP}\ay, however UseXTarget is set to \agFALSE\ay so the bot will be unable to pull while in combat."
	/call EchoLog "\ \agv${devPullVer} \awloaded"

Sub PullBuildPathList
	/declare firstPathLoaded			bool local FALSE
	/declare validPathCount				int local 0
	/for nArray 1 to 20
		/varset pullPaths[${nArray}] ${If[${defPullPaths[${nArray}].NotEqual[NULL]} && ${defPullPaths[${nArray}].Length},${defPullPaths[${nArray}]},NULL]}
		/if (${pullPaths[${nArray}].NotEqual[NULL]} && ${pullPaths[${nArray}].Length}) {
			/if (${pullPaths[${nArray}].Equal[default]}) /varset pullPaths[${nArray}] ${Zone.ShortName}
			/call CheckPathExists ${pullPaths[${nArray}]}
			/if (${Macro.Return.Equal[TRUE]} && ${pullPaths[${nArray}].NotEqual[FALSE]} && (${pullPathZones[${nArray}].Equal[NULL]} || ${pullPathZones[${nArray}].Equal[${Zone.ShortName}]})) {
				/varcalc validPathCount ${validPathCount} + 1
				/if (!${firstPathLoaded}) {
					/call PullLoadPath ${pullPaths[${nArray}]}
					/if (${Macro.Return.NotEqual[FALSE]}) {
						/varset firstPathLoaded TRUE
						/varset pullPathNum ${nArray}
			} else {
				/call EchoLog "\ayUnable to find the pull path \ag${pullPaths[${nArray}]}\ay, excluding it from the pull paths list."
				/varset pullPaths[${nArray}] NULL
	/next nArray
	/if (${validPathCount}>1) /varset multiPaths TRUE
	/if (!${firstPathLoaded}) {
		/varset usePullPath FALSE
		/call EchoLog "\ayUnable to load any pull paths, pulling will default to pulling without a path within the pull radius of \ag${pullRadius}"
	/varset pathLoadZone ${Zone.ID}

Sub PullAggroCheck
	/declare xtArray			int local 0
	/declare tArray				int local 0
	/declare newAddP			bool local FALSE
	/if (${useXTarget}) {
		/call EchoLog "Checking pull aggro with xtarget" TRUE	5
		/for xtArray 1 to ${maxXTargets}
			/varset newAddP FALSE
			/if (${Me.XTarget[${xtArray}].ID} && (${Spawn[${Me.XTarget[${xtArray}].ID}].Type.Equal[NPC]} || (${Spawn[${Me.XTarget[${xtArray}].ID}].Type.Equal[Pet]} && ${Spawn[${Me.XTarget[${xtArray}].ID}].Owner.Type.Equal[NPC]}))) {
				/varset newAddP TRUE
				/if (${targCount}) {
					/for tArray 1 to ${targCount}
						/if (${targArray[${tArray}]}==${Me.XTarget[${xtArray}].ID}) /varset newAddP FALSE
					/if (${newAddP}) /next tArray
		HIGHERDEBUG "XTarget ${xtArray} is new add result ${newAddP}" TRUE 5
		/if (!${newAddP}) /next xtArray
		/varset gotAggro ${newAddP}
	} else /if (${Me.CombatState.Equal[Combat]}) {
		/varset gotAggro TRUE
	/if (${Me.Casting.ID} && ${allowInterrupt} && ${gotAggro}) {
		HIGHERDEBUG "Attempting to interrupt casting" TRUE 3
		/if (${Me.Class.ShortName.Equal[BRD]}) {
		/call Interrupt
	HIGHERDEBUG "PullAggroCheck returning ${gotAggro}" TRUE	3
/return ${gotAggro}

Sub PullCheckBuffs
	/declare pbArray						int local 0
	/for pbArray 1 to 20
		/if (${requiredPullBuffs[${pbArray}].NotEqual[NULL]} && !${Me.Buff[${requiredPullBuffs[${pbArray}]}].ID} && !${Me.Song[${requiredPullBuffs[${pbArray}]}].ID} && ${Me.Aura[1].Name.NotEqual[${requiredPullBuffs[${pbArray}]}]} && ${Me.Aura[2].Name.NotEqual[${requiredPullBuffs[${pbArray}]}]}) {
			/if (!${pullMsgTimer}) {
				HIGHERDEBUG ".....Not pulling because we are missing a required buff: ${requiredPullBuffs[${pbArray}]}" TRUE 2
				/varset pullMsgTimer 30s
			/return FALSE
	/next pbArray
/return TRUE

Sub PullCheckGroup
	/declare classMinMana				int local
	/declare classMinEnd				int local
	/declare classMinHP					int local
	/declare healerFound				int local 0
	/declare hArray							int local
	/declare arrayType					string local Min
	/if (!${pullHoldMedding}) {
		/varset arrayType Min
	} else {
		/varset arrayType MedTo
	/varset healerFound FALSE
	/for nArray 0 to ${Group.Members}
		/if (${Group.Member[${nArray}].ID}) {
			/if (${Group.Member[${nArray}].Type.Equal[Corpse]}) {
				/if (${arrayType.Equal[MedTo]} && !${pullMedToMsgTimer}) HIGHERDEBUG ".....${Group.Member[${nArray}].CleanName} is dead, not pulling" TRUE 2
				/return FALSE
			/varset classMinMana ${Ini[${iniName},Pull Settings,${Group.Member[${nArray}].Class.ShortName}${arrayType}Mana,${default${arrayType}Mana}]}
			/varset classMinEnd ${Ini[${iniName},Pull Settings,${Group.Member[${nArray}].Class.ShortName}${arrayType}End,${default${arrayType}End}]}
			/varset classMinHP ${Ini[${iniName},Pull Settings,${Group.Member[${nArray}].Class.ShortName}${arrayType}HP,${default${arrayType}HP}]}
			| /if (!${Group.Member[${nArray}].Class.CanCast}) /varset classMinMana ${Ini[${iniName},Pull Settings,${Group.Member[${nArray}].Class.ShortName}${arrayType}End,${classMinMana}]}
			/if (!${nArray} && (${Me.PctHPs} < ${classMinHP} || (${Me.Class.CanCast} && ${Me.PctMana} < ${classMinMana}) || (!${Me.Class.CanCast} && ${Me.PctEndurance} < ${classMinEnd}))) {
				/if (${arrayType.Equal[MedTo]} && !${pullMedToMsgTimer}) HIGHERDEBUG ".....I do not meat minimum conditions to pull CLASS: ${Me.Class.Name} HP: ${Me.PctHPs} MANA: ${Me.PctMana} Endurance: ${Me.PctEndurance}" TRUE 2
				/return FALSE
			/if (${nArray} && (${Group.Member[${nArray}].PctHPs} < ${classMinHP} || (${Group.Member[${nArray}].Class.CanCast} && ${Group.Member[${nArray}].PctMana} < ${classMinMana}) || (!${Group.Member[${nArray}].Class.CanCast} && ${Group.Member[${nArray}].PctEndurance} < ${classMinEnd}))) {
				/if (${arrayType.Equal[MedTo]} && !${pullMedToMsgTimer}) HIGHERDEBUG ".....${Group.Member[${nArray}].CleanName} does not meat minimum conditions to pull CLASS: ${Group.Member[${nArray}].Class.Name} HP: ${Group.Member[${nArray}].PctHPs} MANA: ${Group.Member[${nArray}].PctMana} Endurance: ${Group.Member[${nArray}].PctEndurance}" TRUE 2
				/return FALSE
			/if (${Group.Member[${nArray}].Class.HealerType}) /varcalc healerFound ${healerFound} + 1
		} else {
			/if (${Group.Member[${nArray}].DisplayName.Equal[${mainTank}]}) {
				/if (${arrayType.Equal[MedTo]} && !${pullMedToMsgTimer}) HIGHERDEBUG ".....${Group.Member[${nArray}].CleanName} is designated as the main tank and not present, not pulling." TRUE 2
				/return FALSE
	/next nArray
	/if (${watchCount}) {
		/for nArray 1 to ${watchCount}
			/if (!${Group.Member[${watchList[${nArray}]}].ID} && ${Spawn[=${watchList[${nArray}]}].ID}) {
				/if (${useEQBC} && ${Spawn[${watchList[${nArray}]}].Type.Equal[PC]} && ${NetBots[${watchList[${nArray}]}]} && ${NetBots[${watchList[${nArray}]}].Zone}==${Zone.ID} && ${Plugin[MQ2NetBots].Version} && ${NetBots.Listen}) {
					/varset classMinMana ${Ini[${iniName},Pull Settings,${NetBots[${watchList[${nArray}]}].Class.ShortName}${arrayType}Mana,${default${arrayType}Mana}]}
					/varset classMinEnd ${Ini[${iniName},Pull Settings,${NetBots[${watchList[${nArray}]}].Class.ShortName}${arrayType}End,${default${arrayType}End}]}
					/varset classMinHP ${Ini[${iniName},Pull Settings,${NetBots[${watchList[${nArray}]}].Class.ShortName}${arrayType}HP,${default${arrayType}HP}]}
					| NetBots PctEndurance always returns 0 can't do endurance checks....
					/if ((${NetBots[${watchList[${nArray}]}].Class.CanCast} && ${NetBots[${watchList[${nArray}]}].PctMana} < ${classMinMana}) || ${NetBots[${watchList[${nArray}]}].PctHPs} < ${classMinHP}) {
						/if (${arrayType.Equal[MedTo]} && !${pullMedToMsgTimer}) HIGHERDEBUG ".....${watchList[${nArray}]} does not meat minimum conditions to pull CLASS: ${NetBots[${watchList[${nArray}]}].Class.Name} HP: ${NetBots[${watchList[${nArray}]}].PctHPs} MANA: ${NetBots[${watchList[${nArray}]}].PctMana} Endurance: ${NetBots[${watchList[${nArray}]}].PctEndurance}" TRUE 2
						/return FALSE
				} else {
					/varset classMinMana ${Ini[${iniName},Pull Settings,${Spawn[=${watchList[${nArray}]}].Class.ShortName}${arrayType}Mana,${default${arrayType}Mana}]}
					/varset classMinEnd ${Ini[${iniName},Pull Settings,${Spawn[=${watchList[${nArray}]}].Class.ShortName}${arrayType}End,${default${arrayType}End}]}
					/varset classMinHP ${Ini[${iniName},Pull Settings,${Spawn[=${watchList[${nArray}]}].Class.ShortName}${arrayType}HP,${default${arrayType}HP}]}

					| Can't check mana or end of non group members without netbots, only check hitpoints					
					/if (${Spawn[=${watchList[${nArray}]}].PctHPs} < ${classMinHP}) {
						/if (${arrayType.Equal[MedTo]} && !${pullMedToMsgTimer}) HIGHERDEBUG ".....${watchList[${nArray}]} does not meat minimum conditions to pull CLASS: ${Spawn[=${watchList[${nArray}]}].Class.Name} HP: ${Spawn[=${watchList[${nArray}]}].PctHPs} MANA: -- Endurance: --" TRUE 2
						/return FALSE
				/if (${Spawn[=${watchList[${nArray}]}].Class.HealerType}) /varcalc healerFound ${healerFound} + 1
			} else /if (!${Spawn[=${watchList[${nArray}]}].ID}) {
				/if (${watchList[${nArray}].Equal[${mainTank}]}) {
					/if (${arrayType.Equal[MedTo]} && !${pullMedToMsgTimer}) HIGHERDEBUG ".....${watchList[${nArray}]} is designated as the main tank and not present, not pulling." TRUE 2
					/return FALSE
		/next nArray
	/if (${healerFound} < ${requireHealer}) {
		/if (!${healerMsgTimer}) {
			/call EchoLog "\ayNot enough living healers found in group or watchlist, cannot pull.  Required Healers: ${requireHealer} Found Healers: ${healerFound}  If needed you can change this setting [Pull Settings] RequiredHealers= to the number of healers required to pull (0 for none)"
			/varset healerMsgTimer 30s
		/return FALSE
/return TRUE

Sub PullCheckLocation(float cDist)
	/if (!${Defined[cDist]}) /declare cDist			float local ${pullRadius}
	/declare mobID							int local 0
	/declare sNum								int local 0
	/declare nearestPC					int local 0
	/declare nNum								int local 0
	/varset mobID 0
	/varcalc sNum ${sNum} + 1
	/varset mobID ${Me.NearestSpawn[${sNum},npc Range ${pullMinLevel} ${pullMaxLevel} radius ${cDist} ${If[${useNavigation},,los ]}noalert ${alertList} alert ${pullTargetAlert}].ID}
	/if (${mobID}) {
		/if (${Spawn[${mobID}].DistanceZ} > ${pullZRadius}) /goto :checkNextSpawn
		/varset nNum 0
			/varcalc nNum ${nNum} + 1
			/varset nearestPC 0
			/varset nearestPC ${Spawn[${mobID}].NearestSpawn[${nNum},pc radius 50].ID}
			/if (${nearestPC} && ${Math.Distance[${Spawn[${mobID}].Y},${Spawn[${mobID}].X},${Spawn[${mobID}].Z}:${Spawn[${nearestPC}].Y},${Spawn[${nearestPC}].X},${Spawn[${nearestPC}].Z}]} < 50) {
				/call CheckFriendList ${nearestPC}
				/if (${Macro.Return.Equal[TRUE]}) /goto :nextNearestPC
				/if (${Macro.Return.Equal[FALSE]}) /goto :checkNextSpawn
	/if (!${mobID} && !${pullMsgTimer}) {
		HIGHERDEBUG "No mobs within range that meet specifications to pull: npc Range ${pullMinLevel} ${pullMaxLevel} radius ${cDist} ${If[${useNavigation},,los ]}noalert ${alertList}" TRUE 2
		/varset pullMsgTimer 30s
/return ${mobID}

Sub PullCombatCheck
	/if (${pullCombatTimer}) /return
	HIGHERDEBUG "Starting PullCombatCheck" TRUE	4
	/varset pullCombatTimer 10s
	/call PullCheckGroup
	/if (${Macro.Return.Equal[FALSE]}) {
		/if (!${pullHoldMedding}) /varset pullHoldMedding TRUE
	} else {
		/varset pullHoldMedding FALSE
	/call PullCheckBuffs
	/if (${Macro.Return.Equal[FALSE]}) /return
	/if (!${pullHoldMedding} && ${lTargCount} <= ${pullCampMobs} && ${mainAssist.NotEqual[${Me.CleanName}]} && ${mainTank.NotEqual[${Me.CleanName}]}) {
		/call GetMATarget
		/if (${Target.ID}!=${maTargetID}) {
			/assist ${mainAssist}
			/delay 2s ${Target.ID}==${maTargetID}
		/if (${Target.ID}==${maTargetID} && ${Target.PctHPs} <= ${pullMobHP}) {
			/if (${Me.Combat}) /attack off
			/if (${Stick.Active}) /squelch /stick off
			HIGHERDEBUG "Starting pull routine from PullCombatCheck routine" TRUE 3
			/call PullRoutine

Sub PullLoadPath(string pullLoadPathName, bool changeMode)
	/if (!${Defined[pullLoadPathName]}) /return FALSE
	/if (!${Defined[changeMode]}) /declare changeMode bool local TRUE
	/call EchoLog "Attempting to load pull path ${pullLoadPathName}..." TRUE
	/if (${pullLoadPathName.Equal[default]}) /varset pullLoadPathName ${Zone.ShortName}
	/call LoadPath ${pullLoadPathName}
	| /call ReadINIA Path.ini ${pullLoadPathName}
	/if (${Macro.Return.Equal[FALSE]}) {
		/call EchoLog "\ayUnable to load pull path ${pullLoadPathName}${If[${changeMode}, will not be pulling,]}."
		/if (${changeMode}) /varset pullMode FALSE
		/return FALSE
	} else {
		/call EchoLog "Pull path ${pullLoadPathName} loaded successfully" TRUE
	/call SetNearestLoc TRUE
/return TRUE

Sub PullMob(int pullID)
	/if (!${Defined[pullID]} || !${pullID} || !${Spawn[${pullID}].ID}) /return FALSE
	/declare lullTarg						int local 0
	/declare lullCount					int local 0
	/declare lArray							int local 0
	/declare maxPRange 					float local ${maxTargetRange}
	/declare maxLRange					float local ${maxPRange}
	/declare retValue						string local NULL
	/declare lullNum						int local 0
	/declare lastLullTarg				int local 0
	/declare pullSpellTimeout		timer local 0s
	/declare aggroAttempted			bool local FALSE
	/declare aggroInterrupted		bool local FALSE
	/declare aggroTimeout				timer local 0s
	/varset gotAggro FALSE

	/if (${pullWith.NotEqual[NULL]}) {
		/if (!${Select[${pullType},ITEM,DISC,ALT,RANGE,MELEE,PET]} && !${pullType.Find[Gem]}) {
			/call EchoLog "\ayPullType is currently set to ${pullType} which is not a valid setting (ITEM,DISC,ALT,RANGE,MELEE,PET,GEMx).  Defaulting to MELEE."
			/varset pullType MELEE
		/if (${pullType.Equal[Item]} && ${FindItem[${pullWith}].Spell.Range} < ${maxPRange}) /varcalc maxPRange ${FindItem[${pullWith}].Spell.Range} - 20
		/if (${pullType.Equal[DISC]} && ${Me.CombatAbility[${Me.CombatAbility[${pullWith}]}].Range} < ${maxPRange}) /varcalc maxPRange ${Me.CombatAbility[${Me.CombatAbility[${pullWith}]}].Range} - 20
		/if (${pullType.Find[Gem]} && ${Spell[${pullWith}].Range} < ${maxPRange}) /varcalc maxPRange ${Spell[${pullWith}].Range} - 20
		/if (${pullType.Find[alt]} && ${Me.AltAbility[${pullWith}].Spell.Range} < ${maxPRange}) /varcalc maxPRange ${Me.AltAbility[${pullWith}].Spell.Range} - 20
		/if (${pullType.Equal[Range]} && ${FindItem[${pullWith}].Range} < ${maxPRange}) /varcalc maxPRange ${FindItem[${pullWith}].Range} - 20
		/if (${pullType.Equal[PET]} && ${Me.Pet.ID} && !${Me.Pet.Name.Find[familiar]}) /varset maxPRange 200
	/varset maxLRange ${maxPRange}
	/if (${lullSpell.NotEqual[NULL]}) {
		/if (${lullSlot.Equal[Item]} && ${FindItem[${lullSpell}].Spell.Range} < ${maxLRange}) /varcalc maxLRange ${FindItem[${lullSpell}].Spell.Range} - 20
		/if (${lullSlot.Equal[DISC]} && ${Me.CombatAbility[${Me.CombatAbility[${lullSpell}]}].Range} < ${maxLRange}) /varcalc maxLRange ${Me.CombatAbility[${Me.CombatAbility[${lullSpell}]}].Range} - 20
		/if (${lullSlot.Find[Gem]} && ${Spell[${lullSpell}].Range} < ${maxLRange}) /varcalc maxLRange ${Spell[${lullSpell}].Range} - 20
		/if (${lullSlot.Equal[alt]} && ${Me.AltAbility[${lullSpell}].Spell.Range} < ${maxLRange}) /varcalc maxLRange ${Me.AltAbility[${lullSpell}].Spell.Range} < ${maxLRange} - 20
	| /echo >> ${pullWith} : ${maxPRange} - ${lullSpell} : ${maxLRange} | ${Spawn[${pullID}].Distance}
	/if ((${Spawn[${pullID}].Distance} > ${maxPRange} && ${pullWith.NotEqual[fartaunt]}) || !${Spawn[${pullID}].LineOfSight}) {
		/call MoveToSpawn ${pullID} ${maxPRange} ${Me.CombatState.Equal[Combat]} FALSE TRUE
	/call PullAggroCheck
	HIGHERDEBUG "PrePull Aggro: ${gotAggro}" TRUE	3
	/if (!${gotAggro}) {
		/if (${Me.Casting.ID} && ${Me.Class.ShortName.Equal[BRD]}) {
			/if (${Twist.Twisting}) /squelch /twist clear
			/delay 5s !${Me.Casting.ID}
		/varset lullCount ${SpawnCount[npc radius ${lullRadius} loc ${Spawn[${pullID}].X} ${Spawn[${pullID}].Y} NOTID ${pullID} noalert ${alertList}]}
		/if (${lullCount} && ${lullSpell.NotEqual[NULL]}) {
			/varset pullState LULLING
			/call EchoLog "There are ${lullCount} potential add(s)." TRUE
			/varset lullNum 0
				/varset lastLullTarg ${lullTarg}
				/varcalc lullNum ${lullNum} + 1
				/varset lullTarg ${Spawn[${pullID}].NearestSpawn[${lullNum},npc radius ${lullRadius} notid ${pullID} noalert ${alertList}].ID}
				/if (${lullTarg} && ${lullTarg}!=${lastLullTarg} && ${Math.Distance[${Spawn[${lullTarg}].Y},${Spawn[${lullTarg}].X},${Spawn[${lullTarg}].Z}:${Spawn[${pullID}].Y},${Spawn[${pullID}].X},${Spawn[${pullID}].Z}]} > ${lullRadius}) /goto :nextLullTarget
				/if (${lullTarg} && ${lullTarg}!=${lastLullTarg} && ${Spawn[${lullTarg}].Distance3D} > ${Math.Calc[${pullRadius} + ${lullRadius}]}) /goto :nextLullTarget
				/if (${lullTarg}==${lastLullTarg}) /varset lullTarg 0
				/if (${lullTarg}) {
					/squelch /target ID ${lullTarg}
					/delay 1s ${Target.ID}==${lullTarg}
					/call PullAggroCheck
					/if (${gotAggro}) /return TRUE
					/if (${Target.ID} && ${Target.ID}==${lullTarg}) {
						/call EchoLog "Attempting to lull potential add, ${Target.CleanName} | ${Target.ID}" TRUE
							/call PullAggroCheck
							/if (${gotAggro}) /goto :skipLull
						/if (${lullSlot.Equal[DISC]} && !${Me.CombatAbilityReady[${lullSpell}]}) /goto :waitLullReady
						| Not close enough to lull, move in range first
						/if (${Target.Distance} > ${maxLRange}) /call MoveToSpawn ${Target.ID} ${maxLRange} ${Me.CombatState.Equal[Combat]} FALSE TRUE

						/if (${lullSlot.Equal[DISC]}) {
							/doability "${lullSpell}"
						} else {
							/if (${Me.Class.ShortName.NotEqual[BRD]} || !${lullSlot.Find[Gem]}) {
								/if (${Me.Class.ShortName.Equal[BRD]} && ${Me.Casting.ID}) {
								/call MQ2Cast "${lullSpell}" ${lullSlot}
							} else {
								/call CastSong "${lullSpell}" ${lullGem} 2 TRUE PullAggroCheck
						/delay 3
					/if (${Me.Class.ShortName.NotEqual[MNK]}) /goto :nextLullTarget

		/if (${pullType.Equal[ALT]} || ${pullType.Find[Gem]} || ${pullType.Equal[Item]}) /delay 1s !${Me.Moving}
		HIGHERDEBUG "PreAttempt Aggro: ${gotAggro}" TRUE 3
		/call EchoLog "Attempting to pull ${Spawn[${pullID}].CleanName} | ${pullID}" TRUE	
		/squelch /target ID ${pullID}
		/delay 2s ${Target.ID}==${pullID}
		/if (${Target.ID} && (${Target.ID}!=${pullID} || (${Target.ID}==${pullID} && ${Target.PctHPs} < 100))) {
			/call EchoLog "${If[${Target.ID}==${pullID},${Spawn[${pullID}].CleanName} | ${pullID} is not at full hitpoints,Unable to target ${Spawn[${pullID}].CleanName} | ${pullID}]}.  Aborting pull."
			/squelch /alert add ${alertList} ID ${pullID}
			/squelch /target clear
			/delay 2s !${Target.ID}
			/return FALSE
		/varset pullState AGGROING		
		/if (${pullBandolier.NotEqual[NULL]} && !${bandolierAtCamp}) {
			/delay 5
			/bandolier activate ${pullBandolier}
			/delay 5
			/if (${pullType.Equal[Range]} && ${Me.Inventory[ranged].Range} && ${Target.Distance} > ${Me.Inventory[ranged].Range}) /call MoveToSpawn ${Target.ID} ${Math.Calc[${Me.Inventory[ranged].Range} - 10]} ${Me.CombatState.Equal[Combat]}
		/if (${pullType.Equal[DISC]}) {
			/doability "${pullWith}"
			/delay ${Me.CombatAbility[${Me.CombatAbility[${pullWith}]}].MyCastTime.Float}s
			/delay 2
			/varset aggroAttempted TRUE
		} else /if (${pullType.Equal[PET]} && ${Me.Pet.ID} && !${Me.Pet.Name.Find[familiar]}) {
			/pet attack
			| should add a max pet wait time here
				/delay 1s
			/if (!${Target.Aggressive}) /goto :waitForPet
			/if (${Target.Aggressive}) {
				/pet back off
				/varset aggroAttempted TRUE
		} else /if (${pullType.Equal[Range]} && ${Target.Distance} > 20) {
	/Bandolier Activate ${pullBandolier}
			/face fast nolook
			/delay 2
			/autofire on
			/delay 3
			/autofire off
			/varset aggroAttempted TRUE

		} else /if (${pullType.Equal[melee]} || (${pullType.Equal[Range]} && ${Target.Distance} <= 20)) {
			/if (${pullType.Equal[Range]} && ${Target.Distance} <= 20) /call EchoLog "PullType is set to Range but we are to close to the mob, using melee instead" TRUE 1
			/attack on
			/call MoveToSpawn ${Target.ID} 8 ${Me.CombatState.Equal[Combat]}
			/if (${Target.Moving}) /squelch /stick 10 hold
			/if (!${Defined[emuMode]} || !${emuMode}) {
				/delay 2s ${Target.Aggressive}
				/if (${returnToCamp} || !${Target.Aggressive}) /attack off
			} else {
				/delay 5
				/if (${returnToCamp}) /attack off
			/squelch /stick off
			/varset aggroAttempted TRUE
		} else {
			/if (${Me.Class.ShortName.Equal[BRD]} && ${pullType.Find[Gem]}) {
				HIGHERDEBUG "Attempting to pull with song ${pullWith}, Gem ${pullGem}" TRUE 2
				/call CastSong "${pullWith}" ${pullGem} 1 TRUE PullAggroCheck
			} else {
				/if (${Me.Class.ShortName.Equal[BRD]} && ${Me.Casting.ID}) {
				/varset pullSpellTimeout 5s
				/if ((${pullType.Find[gem]} && !${Me.SpellReady[${pullWith}]}) || (${pullType.Equal[ALT]} && !${Me.AltAbilityReady[${pullWith}]})) {
					/call PullAggroCheck
					/if (!${gotAggro} && ${pullSpellTimeout}) /goto :pullWaitForSpell
				/if ((${pullType.Find[gem]} && ${Me.SpellReady[${pullWith}]}) || (${pullType.Equal[ALT]} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[${pullWith}]})) {
					HIGHERDEBUG "Attempting to pull with ${pullType} ${pullWith}" TRUE 2
					/varset aggroAttempted TRUE
					/call MQ2Cast "${pullWith}" ${pullType} 0 PullAggroCheck
					/if (!${Select[${CastResult},CAST_SUCCESS,CAST_TAKEHOLD,CAST_RESIST]}) /varset aggroInterrupted TRUE
				} else {
					HIGHERDEBUG "Unable to pull with ${pullType} ${pullWith}, it is not ready." TRUE 2
			/if (${CastResult.Equal[CAST_CANNOTSEE]}) {
				HIGHERDEBUG "Cannot see error, adding ${Target.ID} to alert ${alertList}" TRUE 2
				/squelch /alert add ${alertList} NPC ID ${Target.ID}
				/squelch /target clear
		HIGHERDEBUG "PostAttempt Aggro: ${gotAggro}" TRUE	3	
		/if (!${gotAggro} && ${Me.CombatState.NotEqual[Combat]}) /delay 2s ${Me.CombatState.Equal[Combat]}
		/varset aggroTimeout 2s
			/call PullAggroCheck
		/if (!${gotAggro} && ${aggroAttempted} && !${aggroInterrupted} && ${aggroTimeout}) /goto :postPullAggroCheck
	/if (${gotAggro}) {
		/if (${pullBandolier.NotEqual[NULL]} && ${normalBandolier.NotEqual[NULL]} && !${bandolierAtCamp}) {
			/delay 3
			/bandolier activate ${normalBandolier}
			/delay 3
	HIGHERDEBUG "PostPull Aggro: ${gotAggro}" TRUE 3
/return ${gotAggro}

Sub PullRoutine
	/if (!${pullMode} || !${allowPullMode}) /return PULL_MODE_NOT_ALLOWED
	/if (${pullTimer}) /return PULL_FAIL_TIMER
	/if (${Zone.ID}!=${pathLoadZone}) /call PullBuildPathList
	/call PullCheckGroup
	/if (${Macro.Return.Equal[FALSE]}) {
		/if (!${pullHoldMedding}) /varset pullHoldMedding TRUE
		/if (!${pullMedToMsgTimer}) {
			HIGHERDEBUG ".....The group is not ready for pulls yet.  Waiting for them to be ready before pulling." TRUE 1
			/varset pullMedToMsgTimer 30s
	} else {
		/varset pullHoldMedding FALSE
		/varset pullMedToMsgTimer 0s
	/call PullCheckBuffs
	/if (${Macro.Return.Equal[FALSE]}) /return MISSING_REQUIRED_BUFF
	/declare pArray							int local
	/declare moveVar						int local 1
	/declare pullReturn					bool local FALSE
	| /declare usePullPath				bool local TRUE
	/declare pgArray						int local
	/declare revDir							bool local FALSE
	/declare noMobAtEnd					bool local FALSE
	/declare pullMobReturn			bool local FALSE
	/declare pullCheckID				int local 0
	/declare mobPullAttempt			int local 0
	/declare unsafeReturn				bool local FALSE
	/declare fastFace						bool local FALSE
	/if (${pullBandolier.NotEqual[NULL]} && ${bandolierAtCamp}) {
		/delay 5
		/bandolier activate ${pullBandolier}
		/delay 1s
		| /if (${pullType.Equal[Range]} && ${Me.Inventory[ranged].Range} && ${Target.Distance} > ${Me.Inventory[ranged].Range}) /call MoveToSpawn ${Target.ID} ${Math.Calc[${Me.Inventory[ranged].Range} - 10]} ${Me.CombatState.Equal[Combat]}

	/if (${pullMinLevelLoad.Left[1].Equal[-]} || ${pullMinLevelLoad.Left[1].Equal[+]}) {
		/varset pullMinLevel ${Math.Calc[${Me.Level} ${pullMinLevelLoad}].Int}
	} else {
		/varset pullMinLevel ${pullMinLevelLoad}
	/if (${pullMinLevel} < 1) /varset pullMinLevel 1
	/if (${pullMaxLevelLoad.Left[1].Equal[-]} || ${pullMaxLevelLoad.Left[1].Equal[+]}) {
		/varset pullMaxLevel ${Math.Calc[${Me.Level} ${pullMaxLevelLoad}].Int}
	} else {
		/varset pullMaxLevel ${pullMaxLevelLoad}
	/call SetNearestLoc
	/if (${usePullPath} && (${Math.Distance[${LocArray[${curLoc}]}]} > 100 || ${pullPath.Equal[NULL]} || ${maxLoc} < 2 || (${pullPathMaxTimes[${pullPathNum}].NotEqual[0]} && !${pullPathTimer}))) {
		/if (!${multiPaths}) {
			/varset usePullPath FALSE
		} else {
			/declare initPullPathNum			int local ${pullPathNum}
				/varcalc pullPathNum ${pullPathNum} + 1
				/if (${pullPathNum}>20) /varset pullPathNum 1
				/if (${pullPathNum}==${initPullPathNum}) {
					/call EchoLog "All pull paths are too far away, switching to pulling within the pull radius ${pullRadius}"
					/varset usePullPath FALSE
				/if (${usePullPath}) {
					/if (${pullPaths[${pullPathNum}].Equal[NULL]}) /goto :nextInitialPath
					/call PullLoadPath ${pullPaths[${pullPathNum}]} FALSE
					/if (${Math.Distance[${LocArray[${curLoc}]}]} > 100 || ${pullPath.Equal[NULL]} || ${maxLoc} < 2) /goto :nextInitialPath
					/if (!${maxLoc}) /goto :nextInitialPath
					/if (${pullPathMaxTimes[${pullPathNum}].NotEqual[0]}) /varset pullPathTimer ${pullPathMaxTimes[${pullPathNum}]}

	/varset pullState HUNTING		
		/if (${unsafePCPullCheck} && !${unsafeReturn}) {
			| This one calls and only finds out if the camp is safe or not, takes not action
			/call campCheck TRUE
			/if (${Macro.Return.Equal[FALSE]}) {
				/if (${unsafePCReturn}) {
					/varset unsafeReturn TRUE
					/if (!${pullReturn}) {
						/if (${returnToCamp}) {
							HIGHERDEBUG "Unsafe PC detected, returning to camp" TRUE 1
							/varset pullReturn TRUE
							/varset pullState RETURNING
							/if (!${revDir} && ${usePullPath}) /varcalc moveVar ${moveVar} * -1
						} else {
							HIGHERDEBUG "Unsafe PC detected, set to not return home so setting camp location to here" TRUE 1
							/call SetHome
							| /call PullWait
							/varset pullState NULL
				} else {
					| If the camp is unsafe, and UnsafePCCampReturn=FALSE, this one will take the specified unsafepcation where it is
					| If the action is set to continue, then it will still proceed with returning to camp.
					/call campCheck
					/if (${Macro.Return.Equal[FALSE]}) {
						/varset unsafeReturn TRUE
						/if (!${pullReturn}) {
							/if (${returnToCamp}) {
								HIGHERDEBUG "Unsafe PC detected, returning to camp" TRUE 1
								/varset pullReturn TRUE
								/varset pullState RETURNING
								/if (!${revDir} && ${usePullPath}) /varcalc moveVar ${moveVar} * -1
							} else {
								HIGHERDEBUG "Unsafe PC detected, set to not return home so setting camp location to here" TRUE 1
								/call SetHome
								| /call PullWait
								/varset pullState NULL
		/if (!${pullReturn}) {
			/varset pullState HUNTING		
			HIGHERDEBUG "Checking for a mob to pull within a radius of ${pullRadius} from X: ${Me.X} Y: ${Me.Y}" TRUE	2
			/call PullCheckLocation
			/varset pullCheckID ${Macro.Return}
			HIGHERDEBUG "Location check returned ${Macro.Return}" TRUE 3
			/if (${pullCheckID} && ${Spawn[ID ${pullCheckID}].ID} && ${Spawn[ID ${pullCheckID}].Type.NotEqual[CORPSE]}) {
				/if (${Me.Sitting}) /stand
				/call PullMob ${pullCheckID}
				/varset pullMobReturn ${Macro.Return}
				HIGHERDEBUG "PullMob returned ${pullMobReturn}" TRUE 3
				/if (${pullMobReturn}) {
					/call Announce "${incMessage}"
					/if (${returnToCamp}) {
						HIGHERDEBUG "Setting pullReturn to TRUE" TRUE	4
						/varset pullReturn TRUE
						/if (${fastFaceOnAggro}) /varset fastFace TRUE
						/varset pullState RETURNING
						/if (!${revDir} && ${usePullPath}) /varcalc moveVar ${moveVar} * -1
					} else {
						HIGHERDEBUG "Return to camp: ${returnToCamp} Calling SetHome then waiting" TRUE 3
						/call SetHome
						/call PullWait
				} else /if (!${pullMobReturn} && !${usePullPath}) {
					/varcalc mobPullAttempt ${mobPullAttempt} + 1
					/if (${mobPullAttempt} < 3) {
						HIGHERDEBUG ".....The mob with ID ${pullCheckID} failed to aggro when attempting to pull it again" TRUE 1
						/if (${pullCheckID} && ${Spawn[${pullCheckID}].ID}) {
							/goto :pullAttempt
						} else {
							/if (!${usePullPath} && ${returnToCamp}) {
								HIGHERDEBUG ".....The mob we were attempting to pull with ID ${pullCheckID} has disappeared.  Attempting to find another nearby mob" TRUE 1
								/call PullCheckLocation ${Math.Calc[${pullRadius} / 4]}
								/varset pullCheckID ${Macro.Return}
								/if (${pullCheckID}) {
									/varset mobPullAttempt 0
									/goto :pullAttempt
								} else {
									HIGHERDEBUG ".....Failed to find anymore nearby mobs, returning to camp." TRUE 1
									/varset pullReturn TRUE
									/varset pullState RETURNING
							} else {
								/varset mobPullAttempt 0
								/goto :pullLocationCheck
					} else {
						/call EchoLog ".....Failed to aggro the mob with ID ${pullCheckID} three times.  Adding to the ignore list." TRUE
						/squelch /alert add ${alertList} NPC ID ${pullCheckID}
						/squelch /target clear
						/if (${returnToCamp}) {
							HIGHERDEBUG "Setting pullReturn to TRUE" TRUE 4
							/varset pullReturn TRUE
							/varset pullState RETURNING
							/if (!${revDir} && ${usePullPath}) /varcalc moveVar ${moveVar} * -1
						} else {
							HIGHERDEBUG "Return to camp: ${returnToCamp} Calling SetHome then moving on" TRUE 3
							/call SetHome
			} else /if (!${usePullPath}) {
				/if (${pullReturn} && ${Math.Distance[${homeY},${homeX}]} > ${campRadius}) {
					/varset pullState RETURNING
					HIGHERDEBUG "Returning to home location ${homeY} ${homeX} InCombat: ${inCombat} - ${Me.CombatState}" TRUE 2
					/call MoveToLoc ${homeY} ${homeX} TRUE
					HIGHERDEBUG "Move to Loc completed at ${Me.Y} ${Me.X} Return: ${Macro.Return}" 3
				/varset pullState NULL
				/return PULL_FAIL_NO_MOBS
		/if (${usePullPath}) {
			/varcalc curLoc ${curLoc} + ${moveVar}
			HIGHERDEBUG "Using pull path moving to loc ${curLoc} delta ${moveVar}" TRUE 4
			/if (${curLoc} > ${maxLoc}) {
				/if (${circularPath}) {
					/varset pullTimer ${circuitRestTime}
					/if (${multiPaths}) {
							/varcalc pullPathNum ${pullPathNum} + 1
							/if (${pullPathNum}>20) /varset pullPathNum 1
							/if (${pullPaths[${pullPathNum}].Equal[NULL]}) /goto :nextPathCircular
							/call PullLoadPath ${pullPaths[${pullPathNum}]} FALSE
							/if (!${maxLoc}) /goto :nextPathCircular
				} else {
					/varset revDir TRUE
					/varcalc moveVar ${moveVar} * -1
					/varcalc curLoc ${maxLoc} - 1
					/if (!${pullReturn}) /varset noMobAtEnd TRUE
			} else /if (${curLoc} < 1) {
				/if (${pullReturn}) {
					/if (${Math.Distance[${homeY},${homeX}]} > 15) {
						HIGHERDEBUG "Returning to home location from path ${homeY} ${homeX} InCombat: ${inCombat} - ${Me.CombatState}" TRUE 2
						/call MoveToLoc ${homeY} ${homeX} TRUE
					/if (${noMobAtEnd} && ${multiPaths}) {
							/varcalc pullPathNum ${pullPathNum} + 1
							/if (${pullPathNum}>20) /varset pullPathNum 1
							/if (${pullPaths[${pullPathNum}].Equal[NULL]}) /goto :nextPathNoMob
							/call PullLoadPath ${pullPaths[${pullPathNum}]} FALSE
							/if (!${maxLoc}) /goto :nextPathNoMob							
					/if (!${unsafeReturn}) {
						/call PullWait
					} else {
						/varset pullState NULL
				} else {
					/varset pullTimer ${circuitRestTime}
					/if (${multiPaths}) {
							/varcalc pullPathNum ${pullPathNum} + 1
							/if (${pullPathNum}>20) /varset pullPathNum 1
							/if (${pullPaths[${pullPathNum}].Equal[NULL]}) /goto :nextPath
							/call PullLoadPath ${pullPaths[${pullPathNum}]} FALSE
							/if (!${maxLoc}) /goto :nextPath
					/return PULL_FAIL_NO_MOBS
			/call Movement ${curLoc} ${curLoc} ${Me.CombatState.Equal[Combat]} FALSE ${fastFace}
			/varset fastFace FALSE
			/goto :pullPathLoop
		} else /if (${pullReturn}) {
			/declare faceAtCampPre	bool local ${faceAtCamp}
			/if (${Math.Distance[${homeY},${homeX}]} > ${campRadius}) {
				/varset pullState RETURNING
				HIGHERDEBUG "Returning to home location ${homeY} ${homeX} InCombat: ${inCombat} - ${Me.CombatState}" TRUE 2
				/call MoveToLoc ${homeY} ${homeX} TRUE
				HIGHERDEBUG "Move to Loc completed at ${Me.Y} ${Me.X} Return: ${Macro.Return}" 3
			} else {
				/varset faceAtCamp FALSE
			/if (!${unsafeReturn}) {
				/call PullWait
			} else {
				/varset pullState NULL
			/varset faceAtCamp ${faceAtCampPre}
		} else /if (${Spawn[ID ${pullCheckID}].ID} && ${Spawn[ID ${pullCheckID}].Type.Equal[CORPSE]}) {
			/call EchoLog "Pull target has died somehow." TRUE 0

Sub PullWait
	/declare pullTimeoutTimer					timer local 0s
	/declare currID										int local 0
	/declare currDir									float local 0

	HIGHERDEBUG "PullWait routine started, pullTimeoutTimer: ${pullTimeoutTimer}" TRUE 2
	/if (${faceAtCamp}) /face Heading ${If[${Me.Heading.DegreesCCW}<180,${Math.Calc[${Me.Heading.DegreesCCW} + 180]},${Math.Calc[${Me.Heading.DegreesCCW} - 180]}]}
	/if (${pullBandolier.NotEqual[NULL]} && ${normalBandolier.NotEqual[NULL]} && ${bandolierAtCamp}) {
		/delay 5
		/bandolier activate ${normalBandolier}
		/delay 5
	/varset pullTimeoutTimer ${pullTimeOut}
	/varset pullState WAITING
		/varset sitTimer 5s
		/if (${checkForAdds}) {
			/call CheckForAdds ${campRadius} ${Me.ID} FALSE TRUE
			/if (${lTargCount} > 0) {
				/if (${fadeOnPull} && ${Me.Class.ShortName.Equal[BRD]} && ${Me.CurrentMana} > 800) {
					/if (${Me.Casting.ID}) {
						/if (${Twist.Twisting}) /squelch /twist clear
						/delay 1s !${Me.Casting.ID}
					/call MQ2Cast "Fading Memories" alt				
				/if (${mainAssist.Equal[${Me.CleanName}]}) /delay 2s ${Math.Distance[${Target.Y},${Target.X}:${homeY},${homeX}]}<${Math.Calc[${campRadius}/2]}
				/varset pullState NULL
		} else {
			/if (${mainAssist.NotEqual[NULL]} && ${mainAssist.NotEqual[${Me.CleanName}]}) {
				/varset currID ${Target.ID}
				/assist ${mainAssist}
				/delay 1s ${Target.ID}!=${currID}
			} else {
				/varset currID ${Target.ID}
				/squelch /target npc radius ${campRadius} los noalert ${alertList}
				/delay 1s ${Target.ID}!=${currID}
			/if (${Target.ID} && ${Target.Distance} < ${campRadius} && (${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} || (${Target.Type.Equal[Pet]} && ${Target.Master.Type.NotEqual[PC]}))) {
				/squelch /face fast nolook
				/if (${fadeOnPull} && ${Me.Class.ShortName.Equal[BRD]} && ${Me.CurrentMana} > 800) {
					/if (${Me.Casting.ID}) {
						/if (${Twist.Twisting}) /squelch /twist clear
						/delay 1s !${Me.Casting.ID}
					/call MQ2Cast "Fading Memories" alt					
				/varset pullState NULL
	/if (${pullTimeoutTimer}) /goto :pullWait
	/call EchoLog "\ayAttempt at pulling failed due to time out waiting on mob."
	/squelch /target clear
	/delay 1s !${Target.ID}
	/varset pullState NULL
Last edited:
Here are the 2 attached files, DevPull and DevCommonPremium


    49.4 KB · Views: 13
    317.4 KB · Views: 16
anyone know whats causing this? and a fix for it? please

shammy - [2017/08/27 13:11:59] No such 'string' member 'ID'
shammy - [2017/08/27 13:11:59] (buffCheckNeeded(string checkBuffName, string checkBuffSpell, string targVariable, float gbMod)): /if (!${${targVariable}[${checkBuffName}].ID} || ${${targVariable}[${checkBuffName}].Duration.TotalSeconds} < ${Math.Calc[${Spell[${checkBuffSpell}].Duration.TotalSeconds}/10+${gbMod}]}) {
shammy - [2017/08/27 13:11:59] (buffCheckRoutine(string checkTypes, bool combatBuff, string onCallRoutine)): /call buffCheckNeeded "${groupBuffSingleDisplay[${nArray}]}" "${groupBuffSingle[${nArray}]}" ${targVariable} ${gbMod}
shammy - [2017/08/27 13:11:59] (buffCheck(bool useTimer, bool combatBuff, string onCallRoutine)): /call buffCheckRoutine ${checkTypes} ${combatBuff} ${onCallRoutine}
shammy - [2017/08/27 13:11:59] (CommonCombatRoutines(string callRoutine,bool AllowCombatBuff,bool AllowDebuff,bool AllowAddCleanup)): /if (${combatBuffs} && ${AllowCombatBuff} && ${doCombatBuffs}) /call buffCheck TRUE TRUE ${callRoutine}
shammy - [2017/08/27 13:11:59] shamanbot.mac@175 (Main(string iniNameStr)): /call CommonCombatRoutines
shammy - [2017/08/27 13:11:59] No such 'string' member 'Duration'
shammy - [2017/08/27 13:11:59] (buffCheckNeeded(string checkBuffName, string checkBuffSpell, string targVariable, float gbMod)): /if (!${${targVariable}[${checkBuffName}].ID} || ${${targVariable}[${checkBuffName}].Duration.TotalSeconds} < ${Math.Calc[${Spell[${checkBuffSpell}].Duration.TotalSeconds}/10+${gbMod}]}) {
shammy - [2017/08/27 13:11:59] (buffCheckRoutine(string checkTypes, bool combatBuff, string onCallRoutine)): /call buffCheckNeeded "${groupBuffSingleDisplay[${nArray}]}" "${groupBuffSingle[${nArray}]}" ${targVariable} ${gbMod}
shammy - [2017/08/27 13:11:59] (buffCheck(bool useTimer, bool combatBuff, string onCallRoutine)): /call buffCheckRoutine ${checkTypes} ${combatBuff} ${onCallRoutine}
shammy - [2017/08/27 13:11:59] (CommonCombatRoutines(string callRoutine,bool AllowCombatBuff,bool AllowDebuff,bool AllowAddCleanup)): /if (${combatBuffs} && ${AllowCombatBuff} && ${doCombatBuffs}) /call buffCheck TRUE TRUE ${callRoutine}
shammy - [2017/08/27 13:11:59] shamanbot.mac@175 (Main(string iniNameStr)): /call CommonCombatRoutines
Last edited:
Happens on all my toons using single target buffing. No idea how to fix the error. I just ignore it, as it doesn't seem to effect buffing using the version of devcommonpremium I'm using (older version).
Not to be silly or anything, but why not attach them to this thread instead of sending them individually? I don't need them. Just thought it would be easier that way.

Well thank you Chatwiththisname for your input. I thought I was helping those that needed the update, and I went out of my way to get it update.

++++ BECAUSE I WANT TO BE SILLY, ASIDE FROM BUDLIGHT AND CRIPPIE ++++ kindly send Chatwiththisname a message for the updates. APPARENTLY BECAUSE YOU DONT NEED IT YOU MADE A FOUL COMMENT, but those that did were happy enough to messege me for the update!

Note: I am still new to this program so I don't know if I was able to do it since the program don't belong to me although there is no support for it. I think your comment was unwarranted and to be honest, it offends me because I went out of my way to get those files for those that needed it.

To be honest with you I do contribute as much as I can with my programming knowledge to this website. I do apologize that I've hurt your feelings by making a recommendation. If you would like I can make a thread called "Safe place" for you to hide in when someone makes a simple recommendation. The comment wasn't "foul" and I believe it was warranted as it literally would be easier to simply post the files to the page for all people that may need it to access them directly instead of having to send you a message and then wait for a reply. The logic in your response is ridiculous. I hope you develop a tougher skin in the future, I would hate for your head to implode if someone fixes a bug in the program and posts it on your thread.
anyone know whats causing this? and a fix for it? please

shammy - [2017/08/27 13:11:59] No such 'string' member 'ID'
shammy - [2017/08/27 13:11:59] (buffCheckNeeded(string checkBuffName, string checkBuffSpell, string targVariable, float gbMod)): /if (!${${targVariable}[${checkBuffName}].ID} || ${${targVariable}[${checkBuffName}].Duration.TotalSeconds} < ${Math.Calc[${Spell[${checkBuffSpell}].Duration.TotalSeconds}/10+${gbMod}]}) {
shammy - [2017/08/27 13:11:59] (buffCheckRoutine(string checkTypes, bool combatBuff, string onCallRoutine)): /call buffCheckNeeded "${groupBuffSingleDisplay[${nArray}]}" "${groupBuffSingle[${nArray}]}" ${targVariable} ${gbMod}
shammy - [2017/08/27 13:11:59] (buffCheck(bool useTimer, bool combatBuff, string onCallRoutine)): /call buffCheckRoutine ${checkTypes} ${combatBuff} ${onCallRoutine}
Slowmoez - [2017/08/27 13:11:59] (CommonCombatRoutines(string callRoutine,bool AllowCombatBuff,bool AllowDebuff,bool AllowAddCleanup)): /if (${combatBuffs} && ${AllowCombatBuff} && ${doCombatBuffs}) /call buffCheck TRUE TRUE ${callRoutine}
shammy - [2017/08/27 13:11:59] shamanbot.mac@175 (Main(string iniNameStr)): /call CommonCombatRoutines
shammy - [2017/08/27 13:11:59] No such 'string' member 'Duration'
shammy - [2017/08/27 13:11:59] (buffCheckNeeded(string checkBuffName, string checkBuffSpell, string targVariable, float gbMod)): /if (!${${targVariable}[${checkBuffName}].ID} || ${${targVariable}[${checkBuffName}].Duration.TotalSeconds} < ${Math.Calc[${Spell[${checkBuffSpell}].Duration.TotalSeconds}/10+${gbMod}]}) {
shammy - [2017/08/27 13:11:59] (buffCheckRoutine(string checkTypes, bool combatBuff, string onCallRoutine)): /call buffCheckNeeded "${groupBuffSingleDisplay[${nArray}]}" "${groupBuffSingle[${nArray}]}" ${targVariable} ${gbMod}
shammy - [2017/08/27 13:11:59] (buffCheck(bool useTimer, bool combatBuff, string onCallRoutine)): /call buffCheckRoutine ${checkTypes} ${combatBuff} ${onCallRoutine}
shammy - [2017/08/27 13:11:59] (CommonCombatRoutines(string callRoutine,bool AllowCombatBuff,bool AllowDebuff,bool AllowAddCleanup)): /if (${combatBuffs} && ${AllowCombatBuff} && ${doCombatBuffs}) /call buffCheck TRUE TRUE ${callRoutine}
shammy - [2017/08/27 13:11:59] shamanbot.mac@175 (Main(string iniNameStr)): /call CommonCombatRoutines

Is this error present in the files as submitted by Devastator as of his original commit?

I did download all of his Bots and will look over it, assuming you haven't had your version of it modified I may be able to produce a simple fix for this. While I understand that a String doesn't have a member ID, finding where it is trying to get an ID from a string may be the problem. The listed error code will likely get me to a location in the code however, and may not take long to correct.

Sub buffCheckNeeded(string checkBuffName, string checkBuffSpell, string targVariable, float gbMod)
	/if (!${Defined[gbMod]}) /declare gbMod int local 0
	/if (${checkBuffName.Equal[NULL]} && ${checkBuffSpell.Equal[NULL]}) /return FALSE
	/if (${checkBuffName.Equal[NULL]} && ${checkBuffSpell.NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset checkBuffName ${checkBuffSpell}
	/if (!${${targVariable}[${checkBuffName}].ID} || ${${targVariable}[${checkBuffName}].Duration.TotalSeconds} < ${Math.Calc[${Spell[${checkBuffSpell}].Duration.TotalSeconds}/10+${gbMod}]}) {
		| Does not have buff or less than 10% spell duration left
		/return TRUE
/return FALSE

May be the offender. As it uses a string and tries to get an id from it. It also uses a string and tries to get a duration from it. This look like automation for rebuffing. More research into his code would be needed. This bit of code is present in the lines 1638 to 1646.

If at all possible to submit an INI for a bot that is creating this error it may assist in finding the issue. I don't have any characters that cast spells for buffing really, I've made a shaman and am currently power leveling it, but this could take some time. As of now I cannot recreate the issue.
Last edited:
anyone know whats causing this? and a fix for it? please

shammy - [2017/08/27 13:11:59] No such 'string' member 'ID'
shammy - [2017/08/27 13:11:59] (buffCheckNeeded(string checkBuffName, string checkBuffSpell, string targVariable, float gbMod)): /if (!${${targVariable}[${checkBuffName}].ID} || ${${targVariable}[${checkBuffName}].Duration.TotalSeconds} < ${Math.Calc[${Spell[${checkBuffSpell}].Duration.TotalSeconds}/10+${gbMod}]}) {
shammy - [2017/08/27 13:11:59] (buffCheckRoutine(string checkTypes, bool combatBuff, string onCallRoutine)): /call buffCheckNeeded "${groupBuffSingleDisplay[${nArray}]}" "${groupBuffSingle[${nArray}]}" ${targVariable} ${gbMod}
shammy - [2017/08/27 13:11:59] (buffCheck(bool useTimer, bool combatBuff, string onCallRoutine)): /call buffCheckRoutine ${checkTypes} ${combatBuff} ${onCallRoutine}
Slowmoez - [2017/08/27 13:11:59] (CommonCombatRoutines(string callRoutine,bool AllowCombatBuff,bool AllowDebuff,bool AllowAddCleanup)): /if (${combatBuffs} && ${AllowCombatBuff} && ${doCombatBuffs}) /call buffCheck TRUE TRUE ${callRoutine}
shammy - [2017/08/27 13:11:59] shamanbot.mac@175 (Main(string iniNameStr)): /call CommonCombatRoutines
shammy - [2017/08/27 13:11:59] No such 'string' member 'Duration'
shammy - [2017/08/27 13:11:59] (buffCheckNeeded(string checkBuffName, string checkBuffSpell, string targVariable, float gbMod)): /if (!${${targVariable}[${checkBuffName}].ID} || ${${targVariable}[${checkBuffName}].Duration.TotalSeconds} < ${Math.Calc[${Spell[${checkBuffSpell}].Duration.TotalSeconds}/10+${gbMod}]}) {
shammy - [2017/08/27 13:11:59] (buffCheckRoutine(string checkTypes, bool combatBuff, string onCallRoutine)): /call buffCheckNeeded "${groupBuffSingleDisplay[${nArray}]}" "${groupBuffSingle[${nArray}]}" ${targVariable} ${gbMod}
shammy - [2017/08/27 13:11:59] (buffCheck(bool useTimer, bool combatBuff, string onCallRoutine)): /call buffCheckRoutine ${checkTypes} ${combatBuff} ${onCallRoutine}
shammy - [2017/08/27 13:11:59] (CommonCombatRoutines(string callRoutine,bool AllowCombatBuff,bool AllowDebuff,bool AllowAddCleanup)): /if (${combatBuffs} && ${AllowCombatBuff} && ${doCombatBuffs}) /call buffCheck TRUE TRUE ${callRoutine}
shammy - [2017/08/27 13:11:59] shamanbot.mac@175 (Main(string iniNameStr)): /call CommonCombatRoutines

Is this error present in the files as submitted by Devastator as of his original commit?

I did download all of his Bots and will look over it, assuming you haven't had your version of it modified I may be able to produce a simple fix for this. While I understand that a String doesn't have a member ID, finding where it is trying to get an ID from a string may be the problem. The listed error code will likely get me to a location in the code however, and may not take long to correct.

Sub buffCheckNeeded(string checkBuffName, string checkBuffSpell, string targVariable, float gbMod)
    /if (!${Defined[gbMod]}) /declare gbMod int local 0
    /if (${checkBuffName.Equal[NULL]} && ${checkBuffSpell.Equal[NULL]}) /return FALSE
    /if (${checkBuffName.Equal[NULL]} && ${checkBuffSpell.NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset checkBuffName ${checkBuffSpell}
    /if (!${${targVariable}[${checkBuffName}].ID} || ${${targVariable}[${checkBuffName}].Duration.TotalSeconds} < ${Math.Calc[${Spell[${checkBuffSpell}].Duration.TotalSeconds}/10+${gbMod}]}) {
        | Does not have buff or less than 10% spell duration left
        /return TRUE
/return FALSE
May be the offender. As it uses a string and tries to get an id from it. It also uses a string and tries to get a duration from it. This look like automation for rebuffing. More research into his code would be needed. This bit of code is present in the lines 1638 to 1646.

If at all possible to submit an INI for a bot that is creating this error it may assist in finding the issue. I don't have any characters that cast spells for buffing really, I've made a shaman and am currently power leveling it, but this could take some time. As of now I cannot recreate the issue.

You can turn on his own debugging by going to your .INI file under [General] and adding these hidden settings:


DebugLevel can be values 1,2,3,4,5 iirr, with 5 providing the most information.

The mq2chatwindow error spam though is related to buffing I'm not sure whats causing it but when I tried the devcommonpremium posted on github it stopped doing single target buffing so I reverted back to the version of the INC file that I've had since last year.

The INC file i'm using still causes that error, but it actually buffs single target buffs.

The 2 issues could be unrelated though, not really sure.
Last edited:
anyone know whats causing this? and a fix for it? please

shammy - [2017/08/27 13:11:59] No such 'string' member 'ID'
shammy - [2017/08/27 13:11:59] (buffCheckNeeded(string checkBuffName, string checkBuffSpell, string targVariable, float gbMod)): /if (!${${targVariable}[${checkBuffName}].ID} || ${${targVariable}[${checkBuffName}].Duration.TotalSeconds} < ${Math.Calc[${Spell[${checkBuffSpell}].Duration.TotalSeconds}/10+${gbMod}]}) {
shammy - [2017/08/27 13:11:59] (buffCheckRoutine(string checkTypes, bool combatBuff, string onCallRoutine)): /call buffCheckNeeded "${groupBuffSingleDisplay[${nArray}]}" "${groupBuffSingle[${nArray}]}" ${targVariable} ${gbMod}
shammy - [2017/08/27 13:11:59] (buffCheck(bool useTimer, bool combatBuff, string onCallRoutine)): /call buffCheckRoutine ${checkTypes} ${combatBuff} ${onCallRoutine}
Slowmoez - [2017/08/27 13:11:59] (CommonCombatRoutines(string callRoutine,bool AllowCombatBuff,bool AllowDebuff,bool AllowAddCleanup)): /if (${combatBuffs} && ${AllowCombatBuff} && ${doCombatBuffs}) /call buffCheck TRUE TRUE ${callRoutine}
shammy - [2017/08/27 13:11:59] shamanbot.mac@175 (Main(string iniNameStr)): /call CommonCombatRoutines
shammy - [2017/08/27 13:11:59] No such 'string' member 'Duration'
shammy - [2017/08/27 13:11:59] (buffCheckNeeded(string checkBuffName, string checkBuffSpell, string targVariable, float gbMod)): /if (!${${targVariable}[${checkBuffName}].ID} || ${${targVariable}[${checkBuffName}].Duration.TotalSeconds} < ${Math.Calc[${Spell[${checkBuffSpell}].Duration.TotalSeconds}/10+${gbMod}]}) {
shammy - [2017/08/27 13:11:59] (buffCheckRoutine(string checkTypes, bool combatBuff, string onCallRoutine)): /call buffCheckNeeded "${groupBuffSingleDisplay[${nArray}]}" "${groupBuffSingle[${nArray}]}" ${targVariable} ${gbMod}
shammy - [2017/08/27 13:11:59] (buffCheck(bool useTimer, bool combatBuff, string onCallRoutine)): /call buffCheckRoutine ${checkTypes} ${combatBuff} ${onCallRoutine}
shammy - [2017/08/27 13:11:59] (CommonCombatRoutines(string callRoutine,bool AllowCombatBuff,bool AllowDebuff,bool AllowAddCleanup)): /if (${combatBuffs} && ${AllowCombatBuff} && ${doCombatBuffs}) /call buffCheck TRUE TRUE ${callRoutine}
shammy - [2017/08/27 13:11:59] shamanbot.mac@175 (Main(string iniNameStr)): /call CommonCombatRoutines

Is this error present in the files as submitted by Devastator as of his original commit?

I did download all of his Bots and will look over it, assuming you haven't had your version of it modified I may be able to produce a simple fix for this. While I understand that a String doesn't have a member ID, finding where it is trying to get an ID from a string may be the problem. The listed error code will likely get me to a location in the code however, and may not take long to correct.

Sub buffCheckNeeded(string checkBuffName, string checkBuffSpell, string targVariable, float gbMod)
    /if (!${Defined[gbMod]}) /declare gbMod int local 0
    /if (${checkBuffName.Equal[NULL]} && ${checkBuffSpell.Equal[NULL]}) /return FALSE
    /if (${checkBuffName.Equal[NULL]} && ${checkBuffSpell.NotEqual[NULL]}) /varset checkBuffName ${checkBuffSpell}
    /if (!${${targVariable}[${checkBuffName}].ID} || ${${targVariable}[${checkBuffName}].Duration.TotalSeconds} < ${Math.Calc[${Spell[${checkBuffSpell}].Duration.TotalSeconds}/10+${gbMod}]}) {
        | Does not have buff or less than 10% spell duration left
        /return TRUE
/return FALSE
May be the offender. As it uses a string and tries to get an id from it. It also uses a string and tries to get a duration from it. This look like automation for rebuffing. More research into his code would be needed. This bit of code is present in the lines 1638 to 1646.

If at all possible to submit an INI for a bot that is creating this error it may assist in finding the issue. I don't have any characters that cast spells for buffing really, I've made a shaman and am currently power leveling it, but this could take some time. As of now I cannot recreate the issue.

You can turn on his own debugging by going to your .INI file under [General] and adding these hidden settings:


DebugLevel can be values 1,2,3,4,5 iirr, with 5 providing the most information.

The mq2chatwindow error spam though is related to buffing I'm not sure whats causing it but when I tried the devcommonpremium posted on github it stopped doing single target buffing so I reverted back to the version of the INC file that I've had since last year.

The INC file i'm using still causes that error, but it actually buffs single target buffs.

The 2 issues could be unrelated though, not really sure.

With my shaman I was able to use the to do single target buffing on a new shaman.

SelfBuffName1=Inner Fire
SelfBuffText1=Inner Fire

was actually buffing other characters as well as myself with the INI from the commit by devestator. However, it was generating errors on higher levels characters (ones with auras). So I've downloaded the commit kindly provided by islandgirl. More testing to be done. Keep in mind I'm located near hurricane harvey's aftermath and my classes start this week as well, so I may not even have time to sort this out.
Bard Aura's

Bard Aura is still broken with this fix. I've identified the issue and will submit an updated BardBot.mac soon. Thanks.
Last edited:
BardBot Aura issue, line 198 Fix

I've corrected line 198 of bardBot.mac to change

/if (${Me.Aura[1].Equal[${auraSong}]} || ${Me.Aura[2].Equal[${auraSong}]} || ${Me.Aura[1].Equal[${auraText}]} || ${Me.Aura[2].Equal[${auraText}]}) {

to now show
/if (${Me.Aura[1].Name.Equal[${auraSong}]} || ${Me.Aura[2].Name.Equal[${auraSong}]} || ${Me.Aura[1].Name.Equal[${auraText}]} || ${Me.Aura[2].Name.Equal[${auraText}]}) {

More specifically Me.Aura[#].Name instead of Me.Aura[#].Equal as you now require .Name for the comparable method.


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