Basic Puller Mac (without mq2melee)


New member
Jan 5, 2008
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Uses hotkey slot #1 as your attack key in the absence of mq2melee. Once mq2melee is working, I can post the normal macro.

-In normal zones without a big Z-axis change, the only number you need to ever worry about editing is the RV_MaxRadius, which says the distance within which you want to pull. Default is 100. Extend or decrease for your needs.
-The top variables are the only ones you need to mess with in case of distances for XYZ.
-keypress 1 was substituded for /attack on because mq2melee isn't available yet

-Forgot to add the include files, adding below the mac

| Puller Macro
| Puller.mac
| Author      : Alatyami: Ripped by robdawg :Ripped by Jdelpheki :Ripped Again By hakcenter
| Version     : v3 2004-12-16 5:50pm PST
| Useage      : /macro pull
| Description : This macro will run your character around Pulling any mobs.
|      This is definitely a work in progress and I am sure
|      someone can think of plenty of upgrades for this.
| : Ripped section Jdelpheki
|      Modified for pull to area where Macro is started.  I have been using this
|      2 level 45's Cleric Running genbot and Warrior running Pull2.  Ran for 4 hours
|      Max with one cleric death. Needs Throwing weapon or arch support too
|      Needs Genbot to announce its getting hit or get a new cleric script
| : Ripped section hakcenter
|      Pulls Any Mobs within radius (regardless of level)
|      No Mob Array Required
|      Looting Added
|      *Looting -stuck on corpse bug fixed-
|      Loot Table Array Support
|      *Puller runs to pull spot after mob looting is finished
|      *Removed Target Fail Counters
|      *Checks for mobs every 30seconds, 1second 50radius checks
|      *Reformated
|      *On zoning(death whatever), quits everquest
|      *Added more checks
|      2004-12-11
|      Added some squelching, always looking for mobs within range, 5 distance intervals
|      Jacked Item Coding from Rogue Helper
|      Fixed UI locking up
|      Fixed Long Buff Casts
|      Added Disarm to the Special Combat abilities
|      2004-12-16
|      Revamped Close mob checking to 0.1second 100radius squelched
|      Revamped Item casting to check for local mobs during.. and interupt if mob is near 100radius
|      Removed mass escaping.. cause its retarded
|      Fixed cool errors when accidently pushing esc while on a mob
|      Fixed cool errors when accidently pushing esc while pulling a mob
|      Added 1second before first item cast, incase item is worn... you get interupted cause its too fast

#turbo 10
#Event Slain "#*# slain#*#"
#Event Zoned "LOADING, PLEASE WAIT..."
#Event ItemSet "[MQ2] ItemSet#*#"
#Event ItemBounce "[MQ2] ItemBounce#*#"
#Event ItemCast "[MQ2] ItemCast#*#"

Sub Main

   |How far would you like to target a mob?
   /declare RV_MaxRadius        int outer  100
   |How far is the fast movement range?
   /declare RV_FastRange        int outer  10
   |How far is the maximum combat range?
   /declare RV_RangeMax         int outer  7
   |How far is the minimum combat range?
   /declare RV_RangeMin         int outer  8
   |What is the minimum Z Value of mobs I should target?
   /declare RV_MinZRange        int outer  -1000
   |What is the maximum Z Value of mobs I should target?
   /declare RV_MaxZRange        int outer  100

   |Variables that you don't need to worry about.
   /declare RV_MyTargetID       int outer  0
   /declare RV_MyTargetName     string outer
   /declare RV_MyTargetDead     int outer  0
   /declare RV_InvalidTargetID  int outer  0
   /declare RV_HasTarget        int outer  0
   /declare RV_RandomWait       int outer  0
   /declare RV_LootSlot         int outer  0
   /declare RV_CheckLook        int outer  0
   /declare RV_Fighting         int outer  0
   /declare RV_TargetDead       int outer  0
   /declare RV_MyXLOC           int outer  0
   /declare RV_MyYLOC           int outer  0
   /declare RV_ObstacleCount    int outer  0
   /declare RV_hitcount         int outer  0
   /declare RV_healcheck        int outer  0
   /declare RT_MyXLOC           int outer  ${Me.X}
   /declare RT_MyyLOC           int outer  ${Me.Y}

   /declare lastevent string outer None
   /declare CheckBuffs int outer 0
   /declare i int outer
   /declare ialias string outer None
   /declare doIclick bool outer FALSE
   /declare bouncenum int outer 1
   /declare ibounce string outer None
   /declare itemspellname string outer None
   /declare clicktimer timer outer 0
   /squelch /alias /iset /echo ItemSet
   /squelch /alias /ibounce /echo ItemBounce
   /squelch /alias /iclick /echo ItemCast

   /varset CheckBuffs 1
   /call ExpPrep
      /call GMCheck
      /call GetTarget
      /if (${RV_HasTarget}) /call Pull
      /if (${RV_HasTarget}) /call CombatSub
      /call ResetSub
      /call MoveToLoc ${RT_MyyLOC} ${RT_MyXLOC}
      /goto :Start

|SUB: GMCheck
Sub GMCheck
   /if (${Spawn[gm].ID}) {
      /echo GM has entered the zone!
      /echo FUCK HIM but ending the macro...
      /keypress forward
      /keypress back

|SUB: AquireTarget
Sub GetTarget
   /declare SpawnTimer         int local
   /declare RV_CurrentRadius   int local
   /declare RV_TargetSub       int local
   /echo Looking for Close Range Mobs
      /for RV_CurrentRadius 100 to ${RV_MaxRadius} step 5
      /squelch /target radius ${RV_CurrentRadius} npc
      /varset RV_MyTargetID ${Target.ID}
      /varset RV_MyTargetDead 0
      /if (${Target.ID}) {
         /if (${Int[${Target.Z}]}<${RV_MinZRange}) {
            /echo Mob is BELOW Min Z Range, picking another...
            /varset RV_InvalidTargetID ${Target.ID}
            /call ResetSub
            /goto :Acquire
         /if (${Int[${Target.Z}]}>${RV_MaxZRange}) {
            /echo Mob is ABOVE Max Z Range, picking another...
            /varset RV_InvalidTargetID ${Target.ID}
            /call ResetSub
            /goto :Acquire
         /varset RV_HasTarget 1
         /varset RV_MyTargetName ${Target.Name}
         /echo Acquired ${Target.Name} at range ${Int[${Target.Distance}]}

      /next RV_CurrentRadius
      /goto :Acquire

|SUB: Pull
Sub Pull
   /echo Pulling Mob
   /hidecorpse all
   /delay 1s
   /declare TargDist float local
      /if (!${Me.Combat}) /keypress 1
      /call MoveToMob
      /if (!${Target.ID}) /return
      /face fast
      /if (${Target.PctHPs}==100) /goto :PullLoop
      /if (${Target.PctHPs}<21) /return
      /call MoveToLoc ${RT_MyyLOC} ${RT_MyXLOC} /return
      /if (!${Target.ID}) /return
      /face fast
      /varset TargDist ${Math.Distance[${Target.Y},${Target.X},0:${Me.Y},${Me.X},0]}
      /if ( ${TargDist}<100 ) /return
      /delay 1s
      /goto :Engage

|SUB: MovetoMob
Sub MoveToMob
   /varset RV_MyXLOC ${Int[${Me.X}]}
   /varset RV_MyYLOC ${Int[${Me.Y}]}
   /varset RV_ObstacleCount 0
      /if (!${Target.ID}) /return
      /face fast
      /varcalc RV_ObstacleCount ${RV_ObstacleCount}+1
      /if (${Int[${Target.Distance}]}>${RV_FastRange}) /keypress forward hold
      /if (${Int[${Target.Distance}]}<${RV_FastRange}&&${Int[${Target.Distance}]}>${RV_RangeMax}) /keypress 

      /if (${Int[${Target.Distance}]}<${RV_RangeMin}) /keypress back
      /if (${RV_ObstacleCount}>=15) {
         /call CheckObstacle
         /goto :Movementloop
      /if (${Int[${Target.Distance}]}>${RV_FastRange}) /goto :MovementLoop

|SUB: MoveToLocation
Sub MoveToLoc(MoveToY, MoveToX)
   /declare running int local
   /declare distanceNow float local
   /declare distanceBefore float local
   /declare distanceModifier int local
   /declare distanceTimer timer 15
   /varset running 0
   /varset distanceBefore ${Math.Distance[${Me.Y},${Me.X}:${MoveToY},${MoveToX}]}
   /varset distanceModifier 1
   /echo Moving to Location: ${MoveToY}, ${MoveToX}.
   /echo Distance: ${distanceBefore}
      /face fast nolook loc ${MoveToY},${MoveToX}
      /if (${Math.Distance[${Me.Y},${Me.X}:${MoveToY},${MoveToX}]}<10) {
         /keypress forward
      /if (${distanceTimer}==0) {
         /if (${Me.Sneaking}) {
            /varset distanceModifier 2
         } else {
            /varset distanceModifier 1
         /varset distanceNow ${Math.Distance[${Me.Y},${Me.X}:${MoveToY},${MoveToX}]}
         /if (${Math.Calc[${distanceBefore}-${distanceNow}]}<${Math.Calc[10/${distanceModifier}]}) {
         /call HitObstacle
         /varset distanceBefore ${Math.Distance[${Me.Y},${Me.X}:${MoveToY},${MoveToX}]}
         /varset distanceTimer 15
      /if (${running}==0) {
         /keypress forward
            /if (${Math.Distance[${Me.Y},${Me.X}:${MoveToY},${MoveToX}]}>10) {
               /varset running 1
               /keypress forward hold
      } else {
         /if (${Math.Distance[${Me.Y},${Me.X}:${MoveToY},${MoveToX}]}<11) {
            /varset running 0
            /keypress forward
      /goto :moveToLocation

|SUB: ObstacleCheck
Sub CheckObstacle
   /if ((${RV_MyXLOC}==${Int[${Me.X}]})&&(${RV_MyYLOC}==${Int[${Me.Y}]})) /call HitObstacle
   /varset RV_MyXLOC ${Int[${Me.X}]}
   /varset RV_MyYLOC ${Int[${Me.Y}]}
   /varset RV_ObstacleCount 0

|SUB: ObstacleAvoidance
Sub HitObstacle
   /echo Obstacle hit, moving around it...
   /keypress forward
   /keypress back hold
   /delay 3
   /keypress back
   /if (${Math.Rand[2]}) {
      /keypress strafe_right hold
   } else {
      /keypress strafe_left hold
   /delay 5
   /keypress strafe_right
   /keypress strafe_left
   /keypress forward hold

|SUB: Combat
Sub CombatSub
   /varset RV_Fighting 1
   /varset RV_TargetDead 0
   /echo Attacking Mob NOW!
      /if (!${Me.Combat}) /keypress 1
      /if (!${Target.ID}) /return
      /call MoveToMob
      /call SpecialIT
      /if (!${RV_TargetDead}) /goto :CombatLoop
      /if (!${RV_TargetDead}) /hidecorpse all

|SUB: SpecialCombat
Sub SpecialIt
   /declare TempID    int inner  0
   /if (${Target.Distance}<=17 && ${Me.AbilityReady[Kick]}) {
      /doability "Kick"
   /if (${Target.Distance}<=17 && ${Me.AbilityReady[Disarm]}) {
      /doability "Disarm"
   /if (${Target.Distance}<=17 && ${Me.AbilityReady[Taunt]}) {
      /doability "Taunt"
   /if (${Target.Distance}<=17 && ${Me.AbilityReady[Bash]}) {
      /doability "Bash"

|SUB: Slain

Sub Event_Slain
   /varset RV_TargetDead 1
   /varset RV_Fighting 0
   /call ExpTrack
   /target clear
   /keypress forward
   /keypress back
|   /squelch /target radius 30 corpse
   /face fast
|SUB: Zoned
Sub Event_Zoned
  /echo Zoned
  /delay 60s


|SUB: Reset
Sub ResetSub
   /varset RV_HasTarget 0
   /varset RV_TargetDead 0
   /varset RV_Fighting 0

Place in macro folder as file:

|~ Version 2.0
|~ This include will track your exp in various forms.
|~ You can track Total Exp Gained, Total AA Exp Gained, Total Run Time, Exp Gained Per Minute,
|~ AA Exp Gained Per Minute, Aproximate Time Till Ding, and Aproximate Time Till AA Ding.
|~ Some of this came from the current "perfect xptracker" macro however I wanted to display
|~ more usefull information.
|~ To use simply /call ExpPrep during a part of your macro that is only called once.
|~ Then /call ExpTrack at any moment you wish to check your exp stats.

Sub ExpPrep

   /declare Exper               float  outer ${Me.PctExp}
   /declare AAExp               float  outer ${Me.PctAAExp}
   /declare TotalAAExp          float  outer  0.00
   /declare TotalExp            float  outer  0.00

Edit these values as you see fit. If you set to 1 the information will
show each call. Set to 0 and it will not show.

||Show Total Exp Gained?||
   /declare ShowTEG       bool   outer TRUE

||Show Total AA Exp Gained?||
   /declare ShowTAAEG     bool   outer TRUE

||Show Total Run Time?||
   /declare ShowTRT       bool   outer TRUE

||Show Exp Gained Per Minute?||
   /declare ShowEGPM      bool   outer TRUE

||Show AA Exp Gained Per Minute?||
   /declare ShowAAEGPM    bool   outer TRUE

||Show Aproximate Time Till Ding?||
   /declare ShowATTD      bool   outer TRUE

||Show Aproximate Time Till AA Ding?||
   /declare ShowATTAAD    bool   outer TRUE


Sub ExpTrack

  /if (${Me.PctAAExp}>=${AAExp}) {
   /varset AAExp ${Math.Calc[${Me.PctAAExp}-${AAExp}]}
  } else {
   /varset AAExp ${Math.Calc[${Me.PctAAExp}-${AAExp}+100]}
  /if (${Me.PctExp}>=${Exper}) {
   /varset Exper ${Math.Calc[${Me.PctExp}-${Exper}]}
  } else {
   /varset Exper ${Math.Calc[${Me.PctExp}-${Exper}+100]}
      /varcalc TotalAAExp ${TotalAAExp}+${AAExp}
      /varcalc TotalExp ${TotalExp}+${Exper}

   /echo ***************************************
   /if (${ShowTEG}) /echo Total Gained: ${Exper}% / ${AAExp}%
   /if (${ShowTEG}) /echo Total Exp Gained: ${TotalExp}% / ${TotalAAExp}%
   /if (${ShowTRT}) /echo Total Running Time: ${Math.Calc[${Macro.RunTime}/60]} minutes
   /if (${ShowEGPM}) /echo Exp Gained Per Minute: ${Math.Calc[${TotalExp}/${Math.Calc[${Macro.RunTime}/60]}]} / ${Math.Calc[${TotalAAExp}/${Math.Calc[${Macro.RunTime}/60]}]}
   /if (${ShowATTD}) {
      /if (${TotalExp}==0) {
         /echo Aprox Time till Ding: Forever!!
      } else {
         /echo Aprox Time till Ding: ${Math.Calc[${Math.Calc[${Math.Calc[${Macro.RunTime}/60]}/${TotalExp}]}*${Math.Calc[100-${Me.PctExp}]}]} minutes
   /if (${ShowATTAAD}) {
      /if (${TotalAAExp}==0) {
         /echo Aprox Time till AA Ding: Forever!!
      } else {
         /echo Aprox Time till AA Ding: ${Math.Calc[${Math.Calc[${Math.Calc[${Macro.RunTime}/60]}/${TotalAAExp}]}*${Math.Calc[100-${Me.PctAAExp}]}]} minutes
   /echo ***************************************
   /varset Exper ${Me.PctExp}
   /varset AAExp ${Me.PctAAExp}


Place in macro folder as file:

Sub AutoLoot
  /declare slot int local 1
  /declare NumberItems int local 0
  /declare CorpseCut int local 0

  /echo Looting corpse
  /target corpse
  /delay 2s
  /varset NumberItems ${Corpse.Items}
  /if (${NumberItems}>0) {
    /varcalc CorpseCut ${Target.CleanName.Find['s corpse]}-1
    /for slot 1 to ${NumberItems}
      /nomodkey /itemnotify loot${slot} leftmouseup
      /delay 3s
        /call HandleItem
        /delay 3s
        /if (${Cursor.ID}) /goto :LagFix
    /next slot
  /nomodkey /notify LootWnd DoneButton leftmouseup
  /delay 2s
  /if (${Target.ID}) /target clear
  /delay 2s


sub HandleItem
   /echo Found ${Cursor.Name}
   /declare ItemSetting int local
   /declare NotFound int local

   /varset NotFound -1

   | Look up this item in the INI file
   /varset ItemSetting ${Ini[PullLoot.ini,KeepList,${Cursor.Name},${NotFound}]}

   /delay 1s

   | If the item isn't in the .ini file then add it.
   /if (${ItemSetting}==${NotFound}) {
      /ini "PullLoot.ini" "KeepList" "${Cursor.Name}" "1"
      /varset ItemSetting 1

   | If we're keeping this item then stash it in our bags.
   | Otherwise, just destroy it.
   /if (${ItemSetting}==1) {
      /delay 2s
      /if (${Cursor.ID}) /goto :LootIt
   } else {
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Couldn't you have just used /attack on within the macro? That isn't an mq2melee specific command afaik. /killthis is mq2melee.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using Tapatalk 4
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To be honest, I just assumed /attack on was mq2melee because it didn't work. Now that you mention it, I saw it said "atk on" in mq2, but like I said, it didn't actually turn it on, so something bugged there. Unless that's just me. /keypress 1 worked, however, for the time being
Try /a on

I doubt it matters but ehh.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using Tapatalk 4
The on/off for that didn't used to be there, but I thought /attack (without switches) always was - at least to turn it on. People would clear target/escape to turn it off, or sit, that kind of thing.

One thing you could do, for now, is take a look at the binds (/bind eqlist) and see what the name is for the attack key (I can't remember and am not at dev PC, e.g., it might be EQATTACK or just some other thing, but you should be able to recognize it).

Then you can always do like: /keypress EQATTACK (or whatever the bind is called)

Been out of the scene for a long time and I'm rusty on a lot of things. Macroquest ini has /a for anon, that doesn't have anything to do with it does it?
