Arx Mentis Event #3: Principal Vicarum Nomia


May 29, 2006
Reaction score
Atlanta, Georgia
Any strat for this you would like to share please like raid position, killing nomia avoiding ae's melee or range her ohh and pm's are welcome too don't be shy. thank you
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If you can sit through it, RoI has videos on YouTube for all Arx raids and stream them each week at the moment I think
We tank Named SW, The Golem SE, Skeletons NW, Specters NE.

Casters kill golem, Mellee Kill specters then pretty much AE through the skeletons with chanters AE stunning.

Then Range kill named.
Caster on golems.. melee on specs... chanters aoe and single stunning skels... on second phase we have everyone on top of the little ramps or above the door to avoid the blob... have named being tanked on the right side of the alcove opposite side of the room from doorway.... enchanters chain runing the tank rotation... kill totems fast.... some totems need heals to kill them... on phase 3 after named dies and pops as a skel noone can die.. if they do one skel pops for every death... though you can stun them like the first phas skels.
Adds on last phase only pop when totems are up.

Having people up on the columns helps but if the blob goes after that person or one next to them they will get hit up there.