Activate pulling without marking as puller?


New member
Mar 16, 2010
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Hi there,

I love the way I got everything working but in my setup having my SK marked as puller wich is the best option I have to pull gets him killed all the time since the mercs dont heal as they should, I die for no reason as soon as im 10 feet away from the mercs and sometimes even being on top of them.

Any help on this ? is there a way to run the MQ2Bot pulling without tagging the SK as a puller ?

something like /findmob auto on or something like that ? where it will do it untill I turn it off ?

Hey Respawn,

I wished I had a good solution for this, but I don't have a simple fix.

A possibility could be to write a macro or holyshits/downshitz that flags you as puller until your character has agro on extended target, then change him to puller again if you don't have any agro?
This sounds like a great idea, now if I only knew how to set someone as puller through command and or make any kind of macro ^_^

Any tips ?

Your help is appreciated.
First part of the puzzle.
/grouproles set CHARACTERSNAME 3
Will set the character as a puller.
/grouproles unset CHARACTERNAME 3
Will remove them as puller.

Next you'll need to figure out the best way to issue the commands.

Using TLO !${Me.XTarget} is a good way to figure out if you have agro or not. Something like
/if !${Me.XTarget} /grouproles set CHARACTERNAME 3
Will check if you have no agro, then set you as puller.
/if ${Me.XTarget} /grouproles unset CHARACTERNAME 3
Will remove you as puller if you have agro.

Next problem we hit is, it's going to issue the command to make you puller even if you are already puller.

There is also the TLO ${Group.Puller} which will be useful to figure out if your set as the group puller.

So we can do something like
/if (${Me.Name.NotEqual[${Group.Puller}]} && !${Me.XTarget}) /grouproles set ${Me.Name} 3
Which should check if your name is already set as puller and if you don't have agro. Then if you don't have agro and your not set as group puller, issue the command that makes you puller.

You can use these commands in MQ2Melee's HolyShitz and DownShitz, or you could write a basic macro to issue the commands.

Here would be a basic macro to do it

Sub Main

/echo Starting Group Role Puller Setter
/if (${Me.Name.NotEqual[${Group.Puller}]} && !${Me.XTarget}) /grouproles set ${Me.Name} 3
/delay 5
/if (${Me.Name.Equal[${Group.Puller}]} && ${Me.XTarget}) /grouproles unset ${Me.Name} 3
/goto :loop

I hope that points you down the right track.
I have never done a macro or even a simple loop, I will however not waste your time and put this information to good use, im sure I will make it work and when im done maybe post something refined to see if its usefull for someone, im sure theres more than one person hurting with this issue.

Thanks a ton, will write back if i cant do it!
Thanks Fry! Gives me some ideas to work with myself. Always appreciate the time taken to teach self-sufficiency in regards to writing the logic!