MQ2MercManager - MMOBugs Wiki

Plugin Info
Name MQ2MercManager
Author htw
Link Wiki Link
Commands /mercman
Source Available No
Uses INI File Yes


This plugin will set your mercenary to passive after a configurable time of being afk and/or not moving, so you don't have to pay the plat upkeep costs.


  • /mercman Displays current settings and command format.
  • /mercman afk ## Change the number of minutes that if you are afk to set the merc to passive (0 to disable).
  • /mercman move ## Change the number of minutes that if you do not move to set the merc to passive (0 to disable).

Example Usage

This command will set your afk value to 30 minutes.

  • /mercman afk 30

This command will set your move value to 10 minutes.

  • /mercman move 10

This command will show usage and your current settings.

  • /mercman


The MQ2MercManager section of your servername_charactername.ini file can have the following options, which correspond to parameters available via slash command in game (/mercman):

[MQ2MercManager] section:

  • AFK - The number of minutes you need to be afk before setting merc to passive (0 = disable).
  • Move - The number of minutes you need to not be moving before setting merc to passive (0 = disable).

Sample Configuration

For character named Bubba on the Povar server:




This plugin is included with the MMOBugs Compile.