MQ2Clip - MMOBugs Wiki

Plugin Info
Name MQ2Clip
Author vaft
Link Wiki Link
Commands /goodfps
Source Available Yes
Uses INI File No


MQ2Clip automatically adjusts your far clip plane up or down depending on your current FPS and what you declare as good fps with turning the plugin on. It also turns your far clip plane to minimum when EQ is in the background.


  • /goodfps # Turns the plugin on, with # being the number you consider good fps. The plugin will autoadjust your plane down until this good fps is reached or turn your clip up if your fps is greater than the good fps value.

Example Usage

Example, you think 30 fps is good fps.

  • /goodfps 30

Zone into the guild lobby and your fps drops to 5. The plugin will now drop your clip plane in decriments until at least 30 fps is reached.


This plugin is included with the MMOBugs Compile and source code is available.